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Brazil US Consulate Reviews

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Brazil US Consulate Reviews
Average Rating: 3.9 / 5
611 Review(s)
Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Review #9807 on June 9, 2012:



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Review Topic: K1 Visa

Howdy all,

My fiancee and son left Sao Paulo and travel to Rio via coach (R$75 each) and stayed at Hotel Monte Castelo (R$120 p/night she and son). Taxi from Bus Station to Hotel - inside taxi - R$35. Hotel is clean and cheap, employees were very professional and you can leave your belongs there and pick them back once leaving Consulate at no fee. Taxi from Hotel to Consulate about R$15/20.
They arrived at 6AM - They were the first ones on the line - and there was a consulate employee telling where to stay; make sure to tell to the guy that you are there for a K1 visa interview or family related and not as a tourist. They got inside at 7:20AM. Three steps: One employee asked to see all paper work i.e. DS's forms, pics passport style, etc. Employee even can fix your paper work if something were wrong or missing. After that you will have to pay your fees at the consulated. Exchange rate was kind higher. Our was about US$ 1 / R$2.22. Other lady check all papers agai... read complete review

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Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Review #9763 on June 1, 2012:



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Review Topic: IR-1/CR-1 Visa

We stayed in a hotel that had a walking distance of the consulate, it took us 10 minutes of walk with two children (they walk slow), we left fully packed (papers, profs...) we also had nice suits, nothing too fancy but nice, I liked that because when I saw my husband wearing like that I thought to myself "Nobody is going to deny you anything, you look very handsome!" Lol

We didn't take phones nor electronic devices because they are not allowed inside the consulate. We woke up at 4, left the hotel at 5:30am and arrived there before 6am. There was already a couple with two children plus a girl in the line, we were third. A few people arrived after us. They called us inside a little bit after 7am. We went through a room with many seats, turned to the left and got a ladder to the seocnd floor. There was a room with seats, we were asked to sit down and fill out a form with our addresses (mine, my husband's in america and Rio's current address), after that two guys that were s... read complete review

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Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Review #9724 on May 25, 2012:




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Review Topic: K1 Visa

Our experience was much like the others who have posted on this website. Everyone with K1 visa interviews were given a 7:15am interview time, which just meant that that was when we would be allowed into the Consulate. We arrived at 5:45am and there was already a line!
The whole process was pretty simple and actually pretty fast. After submitting your paperwork, you wait for your interview. Each interview was taking about ten minutes, with about 20 minutes or more in between each one. I imagine during those twenty minutes, the officer was looking over the paperwork and getting familiar with each case. We went into the interview at 10:15am. She was very nice and asked if we wanted to speak English or Portuguese, we opted for Portuguese. She asked us how we met, had my fiance ever been to the US before and when we were planning on getting married. After we answered each question, she said our visa was approved!
We then had to go to the post office to pay for shipp... read complete review

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Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Review #9677 on May 15, 2012:



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Review Topic: General Review

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Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Review #9614 on May 5, 2012:



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Review Topic: IR-1/CR-1 Visa

So I guess it's finally my turn to write here

My husband and I drove to Rio the night before to get familiar with the place before the actual interview. We stayed the hotel business atlantico centro ( the hotel was nice not that expensive has a pool on the roof and has a nice view) we left for the interview at 6:30 the consulate was only a couple of blocks away from the hotel (thank God because walking on that bumpy street in 6 inch heels in the rain was a pain in the butt lol) we finally got there and were allowed in around 7:10 (no electronics whatsoever! We went up to the 2nd floor and sat down and waited...and waited and waited (like we didn't wait enough for the actual interview -__-) we filled out a form then were called into a small room the lady asked a couple of questions then took my husbands fingerprints and we were told to sit back down. About an hour later we were called into room 3, let me tell you the guy was a complete ***hole! Rollin... read complete review

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