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Brazil US Consulate Reviews

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Brazil US Consulate Reviews
Average Rating: 3.9 / 5
611 Review(s)
Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Review #13684 on January 22, 2014:



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Review Topic: K1 Visa

The process was very easy. We arrived at about 6:30. Our interview was scheduled for 7:15am. There were not many people waiting in line when we got there, but as the time got closer to 7 more people arrived. At around 7 a couple of the workers came to verify that each person was on the list for an interview that day and to give us a piece of paper that basically had the same information printed 3 times that we would need to fill out and that they would cut off and attach to various papers throughout the process.

When we got inside they gave us a list of the documents needed and the order that they needed to be in. We were the called one by one to a table in the back where they verified that we had all of the documents. Once that was completed we waited until we were called to one of the windows where they verified the documents again and combined them with our I-129F petition.

We the waited again until we were called for the interview. They asked my fian... read complete review

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Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Review #13673 on January 21, 2014:



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Review Topic: IR-1/CR-1 Visa

I arrived at the consulate at about 6:30 am. I was the 4th on the line.
Before getting into the building a nice guy asks us where did we come from and give us a form, which we will be filling after receiving the instructions. Around 7 am we started to come inside going directly to the 1st floor.

There the same guy - Alex - gives us another 2 papers. Now we have 3 papers on our hands and he started to give us instructions:

1. The small form with a number - the one we received outside - we gotta fill with our name, RDJ(case number) and date. It has three parts that are receipts, at the end we will keep one piece of it.

2. The contact form we need to fill with our name, case number, address on RJ (if you're not from RJ don't forget to have the hotel/place you're staying contacts), petitioner address, telephone and e-mail.

3. The order of the documents we had to bring to the consulate IF it were not sent to NVC already.
... read complete review

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Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Review #13660 on January 19, 2014:




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Review Topic: K1 Visa

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Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Review #13650 on January 16, 2014:



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Review Topic: K1 Visa

The time spent at the Consulate was about 6 hours in total. They were very organized and helpful. Our case was reviewed by several sections of the Consulate and progressed as the day went on. The actual interview was only about 10 minutes long, but they spoke in Portuguese and English to very the information submitted by me and my Fiance.

The overall process was very organized and professional. We obviously are very happy and this has been a wonderful experience for us.

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Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Review #13645 on January 15, 2014:

Danielle Silva

Danielle Silva


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Review Topic: K1 Visa

We (my fiancé and me) arrived at Consulate at 6:00am.
We were the 3rd. We entered at 6:50am. and start to listen the instructions at 7:00 am.
At that day, there was 20 interviews.
We were the 5th to attend at the interview (at that day, 2 families with children).
First, I went to the first window for checking my documents, and to take fingerprints.

After 30 minutes, the Consul called me, and my fiancé followed me. I swore to tell the truth and get marry within 90 days after my U.S. entry.

The interview is about the beneficiary, not the fiancé, so the Consul asked all questions for me, but, one of his questions was if that person besides me is my fiancé, and what he name is. Interview questions in english or portuguese, and were: when we met, how many times we saw each other and where, how we managed the long distance relationship, when and how was the proposal, and when we will get married. After that, he said: Congratulati... read complete review

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