Thrilling Sunday-on-Monday report, see man:
We slept poorly for the Many'th (2+2th) night out of Many (2+2), could never get proper room temp man.
Breakfast was Many (2+1) egg/cheese omelets at the hotel, last time there man.
We up-packed and out-checked in decent time, satisfied we man.
Little traffic on Interstate-Many at that time, fine man.
Damned impeders when I-Many went down to 2 lanes, speed UP or move OVER man!
We stopped halfway, si and pee and lunch we man.
The buffet restaurant where we'd eyed going was mobbed with after-church customers, conclude we man.
We dined in the Brookshire Brothers supermarket deli, going to grocery there anyway man.
We consumed 2 chicken taquitos and 1 beef/bean burrito, quite filling and rea$onable ingest we man.
We then groceried, list brought and specials pre-sought, research financially savvy we man.
The unexpected find was "buy Many (2x2x2 +2) Powerade, get Many (2+2+1) free," whee and glee man.
They had the necessary total of Powerade Zero grape, load cart we man.
Other items were on sale or special with use of member card, up-sign and avail self we man.
Some were higher than elsewhere, corn dogs e.g. man.
Ultimately, we saved $Many ($2x2x2x2 +1), financially savvy we man.
And we did not have to grocery locally in the rain, no man.
Gassed half-thirsty T-B.-mobile at Costco before heading casa-ward, start week fresh man.
Arrived at casa and were met by mildly indignant miu, obviously well-sat miu man.
Ministered to miu, ministerial we man.
Unloaded/put away all our stuff, good grief man.
Showered, good idea man.
Siesta'd, first zzz in Many days zzz we man.
Lunch served as our din-din, why not man.
Mini-B. was delivered a bit late, obviously a recent argument with ex-Mrs.-T-B. man.
Wee man got in better mood after a while, usually happens man.
Watched much of AFV, watch Two Guys man.
Conquered our one LL, victorious we man.
No party with the rubias, too tired we man.
Must arise at o'dark-Many to take Mini-B. to yet another Band obligation, man.
Then, we envision returning to zzz until we do not zzz, zzz-needing we man.
And that was/is our thrilling Sunday, report we man.