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TBoneTX last won the day on January 22

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About TBoneTX

  • Birthday July 16

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    Gulf Coast area, Texas
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    Naturalization (approved)
  • Place benefits filed at
    Lewisville TX Lockbox
  • Local Office
    Houston TX
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  1. Thread is moved from the K-3 Process forum to the "AOS from K Visas" main forum.
  2. Multiple visits in person are good not only to ease the consul's mind, but to strengthen your relationship. "Face time" is crucial to both aspects. Where there's a will, there's a way, so banish the excuses and visit there or here.
  3. Fortunately, we are a superior primate and don't fall for such, si and no LS ma'am. --- Unless anyone has further advice or evil ideas, we will not respond further to the IC until she write us again, si or no man.
  4. The IC has resurfaced, see Zangi message man: Hello, si man My ex sent the money and sort the bills, si man I'm home now, si man I was surprised when you act that way, si man I think this relationship is not in safe hands, si man I dont really have enough energy to chat, no man We replied, see man: Well, that's good news, si man. We have a firm rule never to send money to anyone we haven't met in person, si and no man. Second, it's highly unusual to sort bills before discharge from the hospital, si man. We're hone now, too, si man. The IC replied, see man: Okay, si man That's good, si man And we have not Zangi'd back, no man. This IC mystifies us, really bewildering man.
  5. LPoP (see abbreviations, p. 1) and unread, no see we or anyone F ma'am.
  6. It is still Sunday in a couple of time zones, so -- just in time -- here is our Official Weekly VAWA-Thread Joke: =========================================== A PIG WITH NIGHTMARES A pig went to a doctor and said, "Doctor, I’ve been having these terrible nightmares and I can't sleep. Can you prescribe me some sleeping pills?" Doctor: "Can you describe your nightmares to me?" Pig: "They are all almost the same. First, a man lures me with food, kills me, and cuts me into pieces. Then, he rubs salt all over my flesh!" Doctor: "I wouldn't worry about it; it sounds like you're going to be cured soon."
  7. Thrilling Sunday-on-Monday report, see man: We slept poorly for the Many'th (2+2th) night out of Many (2+2), could never get proper room temp man. Breakfast was Many (2+1) egg/cheese omelets at the hotel, last time there man. We up-packed and out-checked in decent time, satisfied we man. Little traffic on Interstate-Many at that time, fine man. Damned impeders when I-Many went down to 2 lanes, speed UP or move OVER man! We stopped halfway, si and pee and lunch we man. The buffet restaurant where we'd eyed going was mobbed with after-church customers, conclude we man. We dined in the Brookshire Brothers supermarket deli, going to grocery there anyway man. We consumed 2 chicken taquitos and 1 beef/bean burrito, quite filling and rea$onable ingest we man. We then groceried, list brought and specials pre-sought, research financially savvy we man. The unexpected find was "buy Many (2x2x2 +2) Powerade, get Many (2+2+1) free," whee and glee man. They had the necessary total of Powerade Zero grape, load cart we man. Other items were on sale or special with use of member card, up-sign and avail self we man. Some were higher than elsewhere, corn dogs e.g. man. Ultimately, we saved $Many ($2x2x2x2 +1), financially savvy we man. And we did not have to grocery locally in the rain, no man. Gassed half-thirsty T-B.-mobile at Costco before heading casa-ward, start week fresh man. Arrived at casa and were met by mildly indignant miu, obviously well-sat miu man. Ministered to miu, ministerial we man. Unloaded/put away all our stuff, good grief man. Showered, good idea man. Siesta'd, first zzz in Many days zzz we man. Lunch served as our din-din, why not man. Mini-B. was delivered a bit late, obviously a recent argument with ex-Mrs.-T-B. man. Wee man got in better mood after a while, usually happens man. Watched much of AFV, watch Two Guys man. Conquered our one LL, victorious we man. No party with the rubias, too tired we man. Must arise at o'dark-Many to take Mini-B. to yet another Band obligation, man. Then, we envision returning to zzz until we do not zzz, zzz-needing we man. And that was/is our thrilling Sunday, report we man.
  8. ChatGPT could not directly do this, no man. The various sites (Google Images, Bing Visual Search, Yandex.com, and TinEye.com) yielded nothing, no man. ChatGPT found little under the IC's name on Facebook & Pinterest, nothing obvious there man. There was nothing public regarding the IC's gmail account, no man. Earlier, we found no Texas Driver License under the IC's name, no man. The IC is either off the grid or fictitious, conclude we man.
  9. But are you a rubia, huh F ma'am?
  10. Little does the IC know that we have mentally off-written her and (partially because of fatigue) barely thought about her this weekend, si man. Their website is excellent, with a fascinating historical section, si man. You have a mind that is at once hilarious and evil, commendations F ma'am. However, we would rather avoid throwing good time after bad, maybe it's our fatigue talking man. Regardless, we will ask ChatGPT if it can reverse-search fotos, AI man. If not, it can recommend where, surely man. In fact, yet another non sequitur has struck (stricken?) us, to wit man: Why would the IC be settling a hospital bill before being discharged, huh man? Gracias, D ma'am. Now, if only more Polish Commie-Babes were rubias, oj tak! (Bad absent noncontributing Asia! Bad, BAD absent ABSENT noncontributing NONCONTRIBUTING Asia!)
  11. It would be fascinating to have even a ballpark idea of how many will self-deport. See this thread -- posted a while back but still valid:
  12. Those here legally need not fear. See the first post in this thread for what I had Mrs. T-B. carry with her until she naturalized:
  13. Thrilling Saturday-on-Sunday report, see man: Breakfast was Many (2+1) fold-over egg omelets, ingest we man. Lunch was the remaining half of our gently expired Walmart sub, ingest we man. Din-din was 2 plates of beef/chicken/salmon/pasta/potatoes at the convention banquet, ingest we man. Miu-sitter sent us a Many-second ([2+2]-second) video of miu, immortalized-on-film miu man. Miu wandered around and exclaimed, "Miu," vocal miu man. Conventioneered conventionally and unconventionally, wonderful and we needed this man. Saw many amigos from last year and Many years ago, see we man amigos men man. Hotel checkout in a few hours, out-check we man. Then T-B.-mobile back to casa, si man. Plan to stop at small town halfway to grocery for Two Guys week, take list prepared we man. Return to casa to service indignant miu, almost certainly man. Casa also has no JCs, ICs, or eligible rubias, Your Mission Which You Must Choose To Accept everyone man. And that was our thrilling Saturday-on-Sunday, report we man.
  14. P-Math error, si and see and F ma'am! She got only the city and no other details, to be precise man. Well, then, we don't need to fall for it, si and sigh man. No contact at all, no man. If nothing by Sunday eve, we shall report this profile as a scammer and start from zero, si and sigh man. It is true that too many things don't add up (in P-Math or otherwise) and make us uneasy, si and sigh man. Your mission, and you must choose to accept it, see man: Find us a rubia or anyone else, si man!
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