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TBoneTX last won the day on February 13

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About TBoneTX

  • Birthday July 16

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    Gulf Coast area, Texas
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  1. This by John Kass is exceptionally good. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Zelensky the Fool A while back I made mention of one of my favorite short stories: Gimple the Fool. It was written by Isaac Bashevis Singer, about a baker who becomes the laughingstock of his village, for insisting on believing the chastity of his unfaithful wife who had sex with half the town and multiple children by other men, though she adamantly insisted the kids were Gimple's. Today, I'd like to amend the title to something a bit more newsworthy: Zelensky the Fool. Because that's what Ukrainian President Volodmyr Zelensky is now, especially since he insulted America and President Donald Trump in that televised Oval Office meeting. He boasted, he insulted, he gestured like a stupid, pushy, peasant in a bazaar haggling over the price of vegetables, like a greedy turnip merchant. Sighing repeatedly he rolled his eyes like a drama queen. And he got his ### kicked out of the White House on Friday. Later, in an interview with Brett Baier of Fox News, the fool refused to apologize though twice given the chance. The problem with acting like a tough guy is the chance that someday, you might be face-to-face with a real one. [...] https://johnkassnews.com/zelensky-the-fool/
  2. Jonathan Turley makes things very clear. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Democrats go full McCarthy with attacks on Musk's nationality, loyalties [...] Elon Musk is the designated disloyal American for many on the left. That rage has reached virtual hysteria on ABC's "The View." This is the same show before the election on which hosts warned that, if Trump were elected, journalists and homosexuals would be rounded up and "disappeared." After the election, democracy seemed to stubbornly hang on, so the hosts had to resort to attacking as disloyal anyone joining the government or supporting Trump's policies. This week, co-host Joy Behar followed many others in questioning Musk's loyalty and attacking him over being a naturalized American citizen: [...] https://thehill.com/opinion/immigration/5169877-musk-loyalty-attacks-mccarthyism/
  3. Welcome to the forum! I have never heard of an interview in Banjul, which is probably a very small consulate inequipped to do K-1 interviews. Our most recent VJ members from the Gambia interviewed in Dakar.
  4. Scintillating Sunday repartee, yawn man. ------- Thrilling Sunday report, see man: Visited Mama T-B., Two Guys visit senior she man man. Found with a shock that Subway coupons HAD come out this week, man. We fortunately found our monthly supply by rooting in the mailroom trash bins, relieved we man. We brought them back to Mama T-B.'s flat and neat, no creases for easy cutting man. Mama T-B. promptly folded them, impossible to cut more than one sheet at a time after that man. We took umbrage, righteously outraged we man. An argument ensued, yell senior she man at we man man. Mama T-B. then yelled at us for yelling, figure out THAT logic man. After Mini-B. helped Mama T-B. with some stuff, Mama T-B. seemingly calmed down, yeah right man. Mama T-B. sent us downstairs to buy a lunch for Mini-B., standard practice and ingest wee man man. We got 2 leftover salads in Mama T-B.'s fridge, ingest we man. We also got Mini-B.'s uneaten stuff, further ingest we man. When we left, Mama T-B. hurled insults at us in front of Mini-B., good grief man. It was a silent drive back to the casa, awkward man. All Many (2+1) laundry loads were conquered, victorious we man. Din-din was the 2 remaining slices of Costco 'za, ingest Two Guys man. Ex-Mrs.-T-B. came over and promptly fell asleep on the recliner, standard for ex-she man man. Ex-she man eventually left with wee man, end of Two Guys week man. Dished/must de-dish the warsher, domestic we man. Needy miu wonders what happened to Big Bruddah, this happens EVERY week man. Party with the rubias tonight, cavort we man. Probably meeting 2 chicas sometime this week, conclude we man. Must collect Uncle T-B.'s tax stuff for CPA, taxing experience man. And that was/is our thrilling Sunday, report we man.
  5. My repairman said that Bosch, Whirlpool, and GE were the least bad, in that order.
  6. I'd meant to post VDH's, but again you beat me to it. Keep this up and you'll qualify for a Primate Promotion!
  7. It is Sunday -- time for our Official Weekly VAWA-Thread Joke: =========================================== SAY WHAT? When I asked you to spell "orange" and you asked me, "the fruit or the color," it kind of caught me off guard. I wish that my siblings would stop calling me "spoiled" just because I'm the youngest in the family. The truth is, my parents just kept having children until they found the one they liked. It's really not my fault! I just posted a selfie, and people told me to get well soon. My friend said, "Don't worry about spelling. In the future, there will always be autocorrect." For that, I'm eternally grapefruit. Dear paranoid people who check behind their shower curtains for murderers: If you do find one, what's your plan? If only vegetables smelled as good as bacon. Men say that women should come with instructions. What's the point of that? Have you ever met a man who actually reads the instructions?
  8. One post violating the site's Terms of Service has been removed. Knock off the insults. Your thread is being moved from General Immigration Discussion to the Effects of Major Changes forum, to be among similar threads. There's a very large VAWA thread which you can read and where you can ask questions.
  9. Not the OP's stage just yet, but it's never too early to think about removing conditions on the green card. Take every piece of evidence physically coming in that indicates your shared life together, and throw it into a box. Do the same thing digitally in a computer folder. By ROC time, you'll have a smorgasbord of evidence to support the filing. In addition (actually, before anything), shop for a lawyer who can draft Wills, medical & financial powers of attorney, and similar estate documents. These make superlative evidence for ROC, and they're even more crucial to have in "life." Remember that if you move from one U.S. state to another, your Will may need to be redone.
  10. Church Bylaws State All Sunday School Classes Must Have One Annoying Guy Who Constantly Starts Off-Topic Arguments BRYAN, TX — First Baptist Church of Bryan officially added to their bylaws that all adult Sunday School classes are required to have one annoying guy who continually brings up random, unrelated topics to argue about. The bylaws further state that the guy must faithfully attend every week to ensure that no Sunday School lesson is completed without going on several wild tangents. "The topics brought up by the man must be completely out of nowhere, with no relation to the discussion whatsoever," read the update. "The topics will preferably be of a controversial nature, and [...] https://babylonbee.com/news/church-bylaws-state-all-sunday-school-classes-must-have-one-annoying-guy-who-constantly-starts-random-off-topic-arguments
  11. Insult To Injury: Trump Changes Netflix Password And Now Zelensky Has To Get His Own Account WASHINGTON, D.C. — On top of losing an economic deal and getting publicly berated on television, President Zelensky arrived at his hotel room only to find that Trump had changed his Netflix password and now Zelensky would have to get his own account. The loss of his Premium Netflix subscription came as a tough blow, after already missing out on his catered lunch and losing the backing of the most powerful nation on the planet. "Oh, come on," said Zelensky [...] https://babylonbee.com/news/insult-to-injury-trump-changes-netflix-password-and-now-zelenskyy-has-to-get-his-own-account
  12. This seems an excellent analysis. Comments? ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Trump's Ukraine Gambit Yesterday's explosive White House showdown between President Donald J. Trump and Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky has ignited a firestorm of debate. The Oval Office, typically a sanctuary of decorum, became a crucible of raw truth, exposing the fault lines of America's role in a war-weary world. To the chattering classes, it's a scandal; to conservatives grounded in an America First ethos, it's an incentive -- a bold reassertion of national sovereignty over globalist entanglements. Trump's unapologetic stance, echoed by Vice President JD Vance, isn't a diplomatic misstep but a strategic masterstroke, one that demands we rethink our priorities and reclaim our destiny. Let's strip away the sanctimonious veneer. [...] https://www.americanthinker.com/articles/2025/03/trump_s_ukraine_gambit.html
  13. Mollie Hemingway sees through the 0bummer efforts. https://x.com/MZHemingway/status/1895872853930545214
  14. 'Living in a Bubble': How Zelensky Miscalculated Trump [...] The Ukrainian leader, who at times rolled his eyes and crossed his arms in defiance during the fiery bilateral meeting, either fundamentally misunderstood, or entirely miscalculated, the current moment in American politics. His alliance with the United States, if not the fate of his country, is imperiled. "He doesn't recognize that Nov. 6 was a paradigm shift in American politics, including for our policy toward Ukraine," a White House official told RealClearPolitics after Zelensky departed the White House with a stone-faced delegation in tow but without a signed deal to facilitate U.S. mining of rare minerals in Ukraine. Zelensky had failed to understand "the new political landscape," the official said before adding that the Ukrainian leader had been "living in a pro-Ukrainian American bubble." The drama that played out at the White House was unprecedented. It certainly was not scripted. One source familiar with preparations for the dialogue told RCP, "None of us expected [Zelensky] to act like that." [...] https://www.realclearpolitics.com/articles/2025/02/28/living_in_a_bubble_how_zelensky_miscalculated_trump_152441.html
  15. Zelensky Just Gave a Masterclass on How To Lose a Negotiation [...] You'd think that going into this meeting President Zelensky would have his priorities straight and be focused on winning over the United States to the cause. He had to have known this was going to be an uphill battle – Trump has long been publicly critical of the amount of aid we have given to Ukraine and the impact that corruption has had with dispersing the aid, and has generally taken a negative view of Zelensky's alleged support for Democratic candidates. Despite having the odds stacked against them, the situation is dire – so Ukraine had to try. Right? Wrong. Instead, Zelensky demonstrated the diplomatic skills of a first-year intern thrown into high-stakes negotiations. [...] https://www.realclearpolitics.com/articles/2025/03/01/zelensky_just_gave_masterclass_how_to_lose_negotiation_152442.html
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