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About clairern

  • Birthday 06/06/1964

Profile Information

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    Raleigh, North Carolina

Immigration Info

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  • Our Story
    On March 8, 2007 I met Michael on a whim, when my brother's ex-wife and I were talking one day about relationships and the fact that I couldn't meet a man without a whole lot of baggage. I was single at the time and she was seeing this guy in JA whose friend had given him a passport sizes pic with his phone # on the back with no area code. She gave me the number and told me to call and talk to him. It was an instant connection, and we have spoken everyday since. I visited him in JA in April '07 and spent 5 (LOL) glorious days with him. We have discussed spending the rest of our lives together, but want to take our time to get to know each other some more. I plan to visit him again sometime later this year and maybe start my process in Feb/March. Wish me luck.

    Fortunately for me his dad filed for him back in 2000 and now his case is complete and now waiting for an interview appointment.

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