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Ontarkie last won the day on January 30

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  1. I'm am glad you found this site, and glad we can offer some advice. It is sad that many of us have seen similar scenarios and why we are all telling you the same thing. It happens far too often, and men and women like you fall prey to ppl like her. She will bring on the big crocodile tears, beg you for forgiveness anything to make you feel bad. Anything to get back into the house with you or just keep stringing you along to have you continue to get her that GC. Exactly like she is doing to you now. She thinks because those came in soon she will get the GC. She doesn't know you sent in the letter to withdraw. When she finds out it will get ugly. You are so worried about her getting deported even after getting her SSN and EAD. You need to close your heart off, you are not protecting yourself enough. Get angry, get upset, get mad and stomp up and down. Close off your heart to her. I'm not saying go make her life a living (you know). I'm saying back away, and let her chips fall where they fall. Serve those divorce papers, and get far away from her. Block her number, before you lose more then your job and housing.
  2. Yes even with her EAD. I know your lawyer knows nothing about immigration and he/she is taking too long to get this done. The lawyer gave you bad advice more than once regarding immigration. Like not to withdraw or notify Immigration of the pending divorce. Please tell us you did in fact send the letter to withdraw her AOS? I know I asked but I'm not sure what part you answered yes too.
  3. Of course she wants to come home. She knows full well you still need to finish the paper work, she will string you along as much as she can. Promise and say all sorts of things, there it is again her work. If you let her come home you can bet your last dollar it will be to create one heck of a scene she can use against you. Do not fall for it. DO not let her back into your home not even for one second. She is a pro manipulator and you cannot even begin to fight at her level. Voice recording will not help you much as USCIS will not listen to it. Get those papers served and make sure you are not alone when you do serve her.
  4. Read my other comment. You are far too trusting.
  5. There might not be any grass left either I want a pizza oven. I think the Hillbilly wants to make the patio bigger and make a section of it covered for cooking/smoking, I'll probably get a pizza oven if that ever happens. Glad the party went well.
  6. Did you put tracking on your letter to withdraw? Did it arrive?
  7. You keep trying to keep in contact, she is setting you up for a VAWA. and restraining order. She is hiding from you (her logic and plan). You keep trying to locate her by asking her (she fears for her safety so she must stay hidden from you). She agrees to see you in a public place (she fears for her safety again (needs witnesses, probably has a friend there watching everything). See how easy it is for my to see her side and story. Just think what she can do with the right coaches coaching her.
  8. If those cards came to your house I hope you wrote return to Sender them? You are playing with fire.
  9. It's bad here in Arkansas too. They say we have a 90% graduation rate but only 35% reading proficiently at grade level. I just googled and it seems Country wide only 50% of 8th graders are at level for reading.
  10. Your plan will work. As soon as they enter with their visas they will be USC. Get the ball rolling with passports and the N600.
  11. ~~Thread locked to further replies. The OP now has the information she needs to start the next step (spousal visa). @Mariammaria When you are ready to start the I-130 process you are welcome to start a thread in the https://www.visajourney.com/forums/forum/110-ir-1-cr-1-spouse-visa-process-amp-procedures/~~
  12. Oh man she messed up. He believed the visa was denied. Then she used it to enter the country. Well the joke is on her. She has no way to stay in the country legally. She needed your brother for that and she messed that up big time. Let your brother know he is not on the hook for her. If he has any receipt #'s anything at all he can report it.
  13. Not sure about the TV's for LG we have SS TV's but for big appliances they do suck. Thing about Whirlpool, is they seem happy to help vs you having to fight and threaten them to get help. Yes all of SS big appliances has major class action lawsuits. Many of the SS issues are known issues that will not fix. A lot of appliance repair companies will not service a SS product. SS has recruited Direct TV repairman to fix their appliance. That is why they can't get a repairman out to some ppl. Speedqueen is the way to go from what I heard too. It's a buy once kind of thing.
  14. ~~Thread moved to General Immigration Discussion from, US Citizenship Discussion ~~
  15. It's more the airlines that need the ticket name to match the passport name. Your green card is what you will need along with your marriage certificate. This will show the link between the names, and get you back to the US. ~~Moved to Working and Traveling, from Off Topic- As the OP is asking about traveling~~
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