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About Udella&Wiz

  • Birthday 07/20/1970

Profile Information

  • Gender
    Not Telling
  • City
    Centreville, VA

Immigration Info

  • Immigration Status
    Naturalization (approved)
  • Place benefits filed at
    Vermont Service Center
  • Country
  • Our Story
    Udella (Night Elf Druid) and I (Wizanerne, a Gnome Warlock) met in game in January 2005. A friend of mine from work played previously in Asherons call with a bunch of folks that she works with. I was playing Horizons at the time and was very fed up with the leveling aspects of the game even though it was a fun as all get out playing a dragon. This was after a long stint in DAoC and various forays into several other on-line games but none of them ever quite captured my attention enough to keep playing. She had never played a MMORPG and decided she had had enough of her friends plaguing her to try it. Well after several weeks we were completely addicted and spent many nights running around azeroth and many bleary eyed mornings trying to explain to coworkers what this was all about.

    Well an innocent comment about what book I was reading and an innocuous quote from Shakespeare turned into me meeting my soul mate. Thankfully she felt the same way. I always find it quite amazing that fate put us together at that time to meet each other.

    Well that's our story and now here we sit waiting on the system to allow us to start the next phase of this amazing journey.


    Udella - Female Night Elf
    Wizanerne - Male Gnome Warlock

    K1 process
    04/16/05 - Met playing World of Warcraft...a Gnome and a NightElf
    08/24/05 - Met for the first time in person :) - many monthly trips after this one
    07/24/06 - Got engaged! (Best birthday present ever!)
    01/23/07 - I129 Package sent to VSC
    02/01/07 - NOA1 - Waiting Begins !!!!!
    03/11/07 - RFE Packet received at VCS
    03/21/07 - NOA2 EMail - Application Approved!!!
    03/24/07 - NOA2 received by snail mail
    03/29/07 - Received NVC receipt notice
    04/07/07 - Consolate Received Packet
    04/10/07 - Packet 3 Received
    04/13/07 - Packet 3 Sent
    04/20/07 - Checklist sent back to Montreal
    10/10/07 - Montreal Interview - APPROVED
    11/24/07 - Marry the woman of my dreams. :) (yea, we share the account but I edited the sig)

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