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yuna628 last won the day on August 23 2019

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  • Immigration Status
    Naturalization (approved)
  • Local Office
    Baltimore MD
  • Country
    United Kingdom
  • Our Story
    My husband and I met for the first time on NYE '03, though we had known each other for longer than that. In 2009 he popped the question, but we waited until 2014 to file for our K1 visa. We were finally approved in 2015, and married on Sept 30th, 2015. He became a US citizen October 19th, 2023.

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  1. In this state the way I understand it is - if you contest the ticket, you are denying you did what the camera/AI says you did. The state says you did it - so even if the judge says it's too ambiguous to prove 100% you are still made to pay a reduced fine and court costs. If the judge doesn't care about you arguing your case he can then tack on even more fines higher than the original fine for denying you did it. I know two people that got hit with this - in one case the bus driver having engine trouble waived the driver past and the camera still got them. $250 + "administrative fees" is quite a hefty donation to the local school system.
  2. I think coming from a broken home per say is a two-fold problem. Some people take coming from a broken home over-seriously and overcompensate in their own relationships. The friend we are helping through his divorce wanted to strive to have a good marriage for his kid, based on his experiences growing up in a divorced family. This left him significant blind spots to see what the wife was up to and issues dealing with the failure of his own marriage. On the flip side the wife seemed to be very traumatized and nearly inspired by her family's broken home, to the point that she seems to look at breaking her own marriage as nearly an afterthought and entirely inevitable. I look at my own parents and as I've said before at times, even after 50+ years, they remain married but they are completely incompatible and do not particularly like one another most days. That has always put a strain on the family as a whole. But they never thought of divorce because of traditional reasons. Essentially, I looked to my grandparents as role models in that regard. My parents taught me (not intentionally) how people should not treat one another by example. If they treat each other one way it's a very good idea to do exactly the opposite! I'm thankful my husband is in a similar mindset about most things. There are countless articles and books; or self help type stuff on love, sex, and marriage from just about every perspective you can think of. I don't think there's a lack of material advice. It's really very learned behavior. The examples our parents give can be helpful or detrimental. People out there got major issues these days and could really use humility and therapy if they weren't so prideful. Kids these days are a mess, but man.... sometimes I think some of the parents and even grandparents are worse.
  3. I concur. I have traveled both international and domestic flights recently and observed the CBP checking. I even saw them remove an individual from the plane.
  4. Well this somewhat old fashioned, anti social, high standards, didn't actually date in the traditional sense gal finds this article very insufferable. If people want to be single then I'd say in many cases this is a good thing because a lot of them these days don't seem to be ready in any form to be in a committed relationship. The tales of woe I've heard from recently divorced or soon to be divorced or those in a continual loop of failed relationships that I've known... one thing stands out - they or the partner had no business being in a relationship to begin with. The author is talking about the notion of marriage as an insurance policy, what a strange way to think of a loving partnership. Women and men should have reasonable expectations and high standards. Having a relationship or getting married used to be tossed up as some important rite of passage to achieve satisfaction or favor, so that unreasonable expectations were placed upon it. One does not need to be married to be happy, one does not need to be alone to be happy, and one can be alone and be happy. One does not even need to be married to have children, though if you do my standards go even higher - because the suffering caused upon children due to their parent's selfish choices raise my ire.
  5. I'm going to tell you what I told a male friend of mine going through a divorce. In his case he devoted a huge chunk of his life to a lady, had a kid, and then she threatened to take everything from him. You have to get mad enough to stop being taken advantage of and you need a competent attorney. Divorce, get out, move on with your life. There is nothing left for you in this relationship with her, because there never was a true relationship to begin with. Likely you saw the warning signs, and ignored them. People likely questioned and warned you, not out of maliciousness, but out of concern for your well-being. People are not perfect, and make mistakes. If such mistakes result in not having a parsonage or being a pastor at a location, then you need a backup plan - not just for yourself, but for your child. Perhaps this kind of change is a new direction that's needed in your life. As a pastor you should understand that what this lady is asking you to do is live in sin. A type of sin that is lying to yourself, your family, your parishioners, your church, your government, and your god. You were a ride and she'd like you to continue to be that ride. Biblically, what are you told to do? You might think it is to offer some charity and continue to dig yourself deeper into the hole of the lie because you are afraid of what will happen to her. But that is just stumbling some more. Yes, she might be taken and removed - well, that's a her problem. If she wants to turn herself in - okay, call the bluff. She has proven herself to be resourceful in such a short time, I guarantee she will move onto her next best scam. You ask if she loves you, and you already know the answer to that question. It is clear in everything you have stated. It is unpleasant to think about I know, but she doesn't need to tell you what you already know. I'm sure she is desperate. Her desperation has nothing to do with you. She was not desperate enough to love you. What did Jesus do when he entered the temple and saw the money changers? Did he offer sympathy or charity? Was there offers of love or acceptance of their blatant behavior? Did he tell them they could stay and do their thing in case they got into some trouble? No. I'm not trying to come off as harsh but you need to think of yourself and your kid. I am the child of a former pastor who once made the choice to upend his family and leave that parish house and ministry because it started to feel like a millstone around one's neck instead of a calling. It was very difficult for a time, but I often remind him, of how far he came and what blessings came of it, in the times he likes to forget.
  6. While a K1 visa holder does not need vaccinations to enter the US, it is always advisable for a K1 visa applicant to obtain any and all required vaccinations in their home country before entering the US. The process of obtaining vaccinations stateside is expensive and can contribute to needless delay.
  7. I have actually been following this story, because it is the first time that I have ever heard about this group, but supposedly they have been on law enforcement radar for being particularly violent quasi sovereign citizens manson-esque death cult. I know that NYPost is preferring the term leftist, but it is vastly more complicated because it's nothing to do with political ideology. Simply put it seems they believe in a fatalist type of rationalism, end of the world type stuff, with a dash of transhumanism (modifying or evolving oneself into a higher species), alternate timelines, also mind control, worship of mathematics, and magic powers type stuff. Being trans in this group has little to do with sexuality and more with possessing a male and female entity of multiple personalities inside of them evolving to a higher power or some such nonsense. https://openvallejo.org/2025/01/27/suspects-in-killings-of-vallejo-witness-vermont-border-patrol-agent-connected-by-marriage-license-extreme-ideology/ https://davidzmorris.substack.com/p/deepseek-and-the-ai-murder-cult
  8. Apparently there was only one ATC monitoring both airplane and helicopter traffic instead of two. Another helicopter near-miss had happened the night prior. That time the plane's TCAS system warned the pilot in time to pull to safety so it would seem that again the helicopter was not flying in the zone and at the altitude it's supposed to be restricted to. Supposedly PAT25 was also flying at the wrong altitude and not on the right course. So what's going on with that? There is some criticism that the ATC was not more specific when they asked PAT25 to confirm that they had visual on the plane. It may have helped yes, but I think by that time it was too late. Clearly the helicopter was not paying attention. I feel so terrible about the whole thing.. the poor pilot had no idea what was coming at him.
  9. Since you have your EAD and SSN, most of the hard part is done. They could require some other documents like name on a bill or bank account but their website seems pretty straightforward with info. Many states will allow someone who is already licensed in another country to obtain a US license a lot easier than someone just starting out. Generally passing the written test and road test, rather than spending hours of driving time and classroom time. Note that the license they issue you may only be for as long as your EAD is valid for in some states. When you have your green card, go back to the DMV, update your status and they will issue you a full one.
  10. Well I mean Dulles and BWI is also not very far from these places and flights are restricted from going into certain areas. On 9/11 the attackers chose a Dulles flight. Any plane anywhere at any time can be a security risk. Last year there were several close calls at Reagan, owing to the lack of ATC personnel and distracted pilots - that doesn't seem to be the case here. This Blackhawk was familiar with the route, it's a published route for helicopters and the ATC staff seem genuinely shocked by what the helicopter did. Flying into this airport it's very common to see Blackhawks right from your aircraft windows coming in to land. Training at night with no lights in this area seems to be too risky for any big city like this. I live close to a military base so the daily annoyance of explosions and low flying military aircraft intersecting with commercial craft are common. Initially I wondered if this was intentional.. but it seems they were confused about which craft they had visualized.
  11. Seems clear that the Blackhawk was at fault and when they confirmed with the ATC they had visual, they had actually sighted the wrong plane. That airplane didn't even have a chance... It did not come from that base. It came from Fort Belvoir.
  12. So here's the thing... green cards are for living in the US. Your general plan here is to have him come to you. Okay, you can certainly do that with a spousal visa process if you marry. But then you want to go to Ireland and live there, and well, the big issue I see is that you need to finish ONE immigration process (it's going to take conservatively with no hiccups.. 5ish-6ish years) before beginning another (otherwise you forfeit the process you went through), and that's going to take a lot of time. You'll also need to ensure understanding of Irish immigration law before beginning on that side of things and once going to Ireland you'll need to ensure that you understand tax obligations on worldwide income as dual citizens.
  13. I think the question is really what is the biggest priority for you two? If it is working as soon as possible, then it would seem that, though lengthy, a CR1 is going to be the best option, especially if she's there now and you can marry and then she can return home. Of course some don't like the idea of being married and then being apart again for some time. Over the next four years we will be entering a period of some uncertainty when it comes to immigration policies. Me and my husband went the K1 way, and the times are long now. Looking back, though we had significant savings, it was still not enough for the length of time it took. The adjustment process (even with an EAD) was even longer and it will be worse now, and employers weren't interested unless they saw a green card anyway. The process worked for us, but I wouldn't recommend it to others these days unless very specific situations. These days it makes sense to go with a CR1.
  14. It's amazing how much work my husband can get done at home, and then when he goes to the office cannot because people refuse to shut up and the computer systems are so old they barely function. Half of the time the rest of the employees are just standing around doing nothing but chatting loudly, then go take extended lunches, and then by that time are leaving to pick up the kids. Complete waste of time. And yes, he can see when they are slacking off at home too, but for the most part there is far more productivity. It's a healthier environment overall being home - home cooked lunches instead of fast food that we can eat together on lunch break, no commuting, and even when it's bad weather you're still able to work. I don't know why people think it will somehow speed up the USCIS. We know the reasons why they are slow, and they were slow well before remote work was a thing.
  15. The best thing to likely do would be to buy a gophone or buy a phone outright from whatever provider you think will work for you best. If you ever travel back to the UK be aware of if the phone is unlocked or not before putting another sim in.
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