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yuna628 last won the day on August 23 2019

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  • Immigration Status
    Naturalization (approved)
  • Local Office
    Baltimore MD
  • Country
    United Kingdom
  • Our Story
    My husband and I met for the first time on NYE '03, though we had known each other for longer than that. In 2009 he popped the question, but we waited until 2014 to file for our K1 visa. We were finally approved in 2015, and married on Sept 30th, 2015. He became a US citizen October 19th, 2023.

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  1. My husband's accent is such that a lot of people confuse him for being Scottish. They say it is thick but I have always understood him compared to some members of his family I cannot understand at all. He's tried very hard to flatten it so coworkers can understand him better, but he's so amused by people confusing certain words.
  2. Apparently, you actually can't get out of it in this town. You can postpone it or delay it but you have to then show up at a new time and place. Like one time I called up and told them that I was responsible for caring for my parents and that I live out in the middle of nowhere and didn't have transportation. The woman got all snarky and told me to hire a cab or walk. When I showed up at the courthouse I remember one person that was in a wheelchair, neckbrace, and a leg cast and still couldn't get out of it!
  3. I said the other week to my husband - "hey I wonder if they'll hit me up for jury duty again this year" (at this point it's nearly yearly which isn't supposed to happen but whatever..) and what arrives in the mail - his very first jury duty. He is weirdly excited lol. I've tried to explain it to him as best I can. I cannot wait for the judge to be confused at the accent. 😄
  4. Overall there is evidence that young people are becoming more conservative in their choices - from reduced drinking numbers to being selective and reserved or dysfunctional regarding sex and it is not limited necessarily to those people who were raised this way for religious reasons. People are choosing to lead single lives for factors that usually fall under economic reasons. Some may be too choosy or unrealistic about picking a desired partner, but to me the glaring issue is if you haven't got the stability to raise a child you shouldn't be having one. You also have couples needing to move back with their parents to care for them because their parents aren't financially stable either, leaving no time for having kids. I'm sure there are also some people who have no desire to raise kids because they are very self-focused on living a certain lifestyle.
  5. Hepatitis B is a multi-dose vaccine that usually needs to be separated by some months. I'd suggest finishing your course if it is not complete. Typically what you need is for your vaccines to be recertified by the physician. The problem is most physicians know how much $'s they can make and will want to redo everything. The trick is finding one that can help. In my husband's instance, his DS3025 was actually complete - the USCIS was either just lazy, lost the paperwork, or the officer was a newbie (we couldn't figure out which). In either case it required us to find a physician that could just recertify on the I-693. Eventually we found one that was actually recommended on this forum (there used to be a list) but they were nearly a three hour drive away. Still it cost us about $80 and literally 15 minutes. It is doable, but you will need to search around if you're willing. Either way make sure you bring any proof you have of receiving your new vaccines to the appointment.
  6. No, doesn't sound like a bad thing to me. A nation of immigrants as it always has been. You can make a lot of arguments about the falling birth rate, but the truth is unless couples are having comfortable and stable lives in most aspects, babies aren't going to happen. I don't see that improving any time soon.
  7. I don't assume anything. Mostly I let people get on with their business and their personal choices to wear one or not and people seem to reciprocate. Stateside I've found most people are okay, a few people that make a snide comment in the course of five years, and one person that tried to run me over and then said some pretty hostile things to my husband. In the UK though, I felt physically unsafe and was actually spat on! Everyone I've talked to in both countries wear a mask for the same reasons I do. We'd just like to go about our business, safely, because we still see people endlessly coughing up a lung and wheezing in the grocery store and we're still getting employees being pressured to come into work with high fevers and coughs while dealing with sick and elderly public. In medical settings we've always seen times when masking was needed. It's a shame people never tended to think about it in other situations, but it's been helpful for me and my family. My health would have been a lot better if people had thought of it in the past, but I'm unwilling to now compromise against a disease that causes long-lasting multi-system damage - especially being high risk. People have always worked while sick and that is how I spent a good majority of childhood being sick from what was carelessly brought home to me. When I wheeled my dad into his appointment the other week, another patient asked if she should mask. We said we didn't mind and it was her choice. She said she had been infected six times and now has a myriad of issues related to those infections. It's a shame she hasn't figured out a way to reduce being infected.
  8. For people that work with the public that are constantly coming in sick and not wearing masks and need care, and with employees that also show up to work sick - how should other employees that are immunocompromised and care for immunocompromised individuals in their homes take precautions? There is a reason why my family masks whether it be at work or elsewhere, and this has kept us safe. I know what has happened to those of my family that haven't taken precautions, and none of it is good. I know that you don't mean harm by finding it amusing, but it is a personal choice and I don't think we should be mocking that. I can't get people to care about the health of those I love, so we have to do what we have to do. I was just in a hospital facility with my dad yesterday - all masked and thankfully the employees were too, and I tend to put my mask on early as I'm leaving the house to ensure a good sealed fit and so that I don't forget it... so yes sometimes it's on in the car. 😉
  9. For us we planned everything in the year or so before he arrived, something I don't recommend doing for most people. Vendors I chose knew our situation and were willing to be okay with that - we put in nothing concrete until visa was in hand. Most states do have venues which can provide elopement ceremonies or small style weddings that can give you an experience without the hassle. I wanted a great deal of control over factors of our wedding instead of handing it off to family members that would likely run things into the ground, but usually it's important to delegate if you can. Don't be afraid to discuss options with venues and vendors, many are understanding. They want the money afterall. I used many websites like theknot and weddingwire to search for vendors that I needed. Still there were problems: 1) I had my wedding dress long ago and the hardworking ladies in the back got it looking great in time. The problem was everyone else's outfits had to be ordered. The company claimed they had ordered months ago, but when time came to collect the orders went missing. My MoH's gown ended up having to be the last one on the rack that had damage, but the ladies got it fixed in time. 2) Our venue of choice had acknowledged the difficulty in knowing an actual date but worked out a generalized plan that we finalized. I didn't have as much cash for a lavish wedding, but I felt annoyed at times when I was treated as if our wedding was not as important as the rest. The owner was very difficult dealing with at times, and at some point when it came time to sign the contract with a concrete date they went awol. For a good week I was frantic in trying to find potential new venues at short notice. Thankfully they did eventually get in touch and the venue looked just the way we wanted, but by the end of it we were all pretty upset. I'm aware of other couples that had the same experience. 3) We had the majority of his family flying in from overseas so that took planning between 15 people or so. The hardest part was booking a hotel which was apparently problematic because of the Pope (no idea but that was the excuse for the severely full hotels and high prices). 4) The day of we had one party member that really caused some problems. I ended up being shoved in a big closet at the last minute and my photographer and bridesmaid got me dressed to get me away from the situation. I hadn't a clue what I even looked like! 5) The stress was often severe. My husband took care of a lot of things on his side of the pond but there was only so much he could do. By the time he got here and was able to help more he really saw how much of a toll it had taken. There were a few times we wanted to just go elope because of the stress! And I should say there is no shame in that either. People often want the big celebration, but when you think of the money and time, I don't know if we would have done it again. We did get the special day we wanted, even if it wasn't 100% exactly as we had originally wanted. My last piece of advice is everyone always makes a big deal about the dress, but pay attention to what is going on your feet. I had originally wanted combats a friend had painted which my family threw a fit about, and pushed me to get heels which then the bridal company lost. They offered backups. Well they were the absolute worst things - bloody blisters, dye that ran straight off... get what is comfortable for your feet the rest of the noise can shut up about it! My point is a small or medium sized wedding is doable depending on several factors and how much help you have, even at short notice. But I certainly wouldn't recommend it. Most people do a courthouse ceremony.. I've been to one of those and it wasn't for us, but it absolutely works in a pinch.
  10. Yep, that's the same thing he had to do with ours the pulley and the rollers.. He's also replaced belts, a timing mechanism, and most recently some kind of circuit switch? He said the only thing that would be left is the main board. Most parts are cheap enough to replace instead of buying a new unit.
  11. Our nightmare with Samsung was with a washer and dryer. The washer would become 'stuck' washing and refuse to drain or release the clothes trapped inside and the dryer would not dry the clothes. It took months dealing with it, but the gist was Samsung had no repair people that could come out because we are ''too far away'', that was despite arranging appointments for a person to come out. So even though you have a warranty to repair you will never actually get it repaired or replaced. I hear many of the repair people are actually DirectTV contractors that have no experience anyway. We ended up explaining the situation to the big box store we bought it from, and they were aware of the situation, so they gave us whatever replacement units of our choice we wanted so long as we didn't get Electrolux because they suffer from the same issue. Whirlpool has served us well as these years (though our replacement Whirlpool washer did kick the bucket eventually). Now, to be fair the dryer has died many times over these years past the warranty, but my husband has replaced almost all parts and can get it running within some days. I'm told if you want something to last Speedqueen is supposed to be good. But no I'd never get a Samsung. Phones yes, appliances no. He also hated having to deal with them when needing to replace TVs.
  12. I'm so confused. How did she manage to pass anything and how is she being accepted into college? At any rate she has special needs that clearly were not addressed. I'd also argue she'd likely have benefited from one-on-one tutoring, a different method of learning (it sounds like she is more audible processing than visual), visual therapy, and other methods that could have helped. Where are the parents though?
  13. You only need the vaccines that are age appropriate for you. You could go and get any of these at your doctor or at a pharmacy of your choice. Take proof of receiving them to your medical. Do you recall having chickenpox as a child? The vaccine is not really available in the UK so that will be waived. Hepatitis is a multi-shot course which needs to be separated between intervals longer than the time you have. Getting the first will get you a pass. If you'd like to complete the series in the future, I'd again consult your primary care or pharmacy either there or in the US. Don't leave the medical without having any missing and make sure the form is marked complete, just keep in mind it will be expensive. As for getting them at once, my husband had quite few that he got done at his doctor ahead of time - that included an additional MMR that he actually didn't need as he likely had some immunity from a prior infection. With the exception of feeling crummy a few days, tetanus shot usual culprit, he was fine afterwards.
  14. To better help you here people are going to need to know the circumstances needing a joint sponsor and exactly what you sent in your AOS package.
  15. You are an independent contractor, but if you do not make enough anyway you will need a joint sponsor. No there is no way around a financial requirement. Regardless of if you choose a fiancé or marriage based visa, there is financial requirements. You need to be aware that the fiancé would not be allowed to work for a long time on a K1 as they will need to adjust their status. You must also consider additional expenses such as health insurance and living expenses.
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