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Karam and Jamie

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About Karam and Jamie

  • Birthday 01/05/1978

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  • Immigration Status
    K-1 Visa
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  • Our Story
    My honey tried talking to me on Facebook for about 8 months and I either ignored him or didn't even notice his messages. A lot of foreign men try to talk to me on Facebook. We are not even sure how we became friends on there. Finally, after 8 months (sometime in May 2013) I said hello back to him. So very happy I did. From there we just naturally became the best of friends and fell in love. Never in my life had I thought I would fall in love with someone who lives so far away. In the beginning of September 2013 I was ready to book my ticket to go meet him in Egypt, but that is when Morsi was ousted and I wasn't about to take a chance with the violence. So, in October 2013 I met my honey in Turkey! LOVED every minute with my honey. How terrible to have to leave each other like that though, so sad. Come March 2014 I finally got a chance to go to Alexandria, Egypt and see where he lives and meet some family. Egypt is too crazy for me. Too crowded, the men stare right through you and made nasty comments as you walk by, takes forever to get around with the crazy public transportation. I am ready to have him here and start our lives together! <3

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