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    Naturalization (approved)
  • Place benefits filed at
    Chicago Lockbox
  • Local Office
    Hartford CT

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  1. It's always advisable to keep records of child support payments that were made. This is not only necessary for naturalization, but in case on any issue or misunderstanding with the ex in the future.
  2. Her naturalization process has nothing to do with you. Your current partner received her green card through another process. You are not even married, just living at the same address.
  3. Your sarcastic answer tells me you represented your second wife as your first and only wife. Good luck with whatever you are trying to accomplish.
  4. Did you ever report to UK immigration that you were married before? If you did report this truthfuly, didn't you have to produce a divorce decree which you clearly never had. Something is off here. How did you go through immigration process in the UK without having the divorce decree. Unless you never reported the first marriage.
  5. Good luck on your journey! You came to the right place.
  6. If you have an I751 pending together with N400, I would concentrate on I751 before you worry about Citizenship.
  7. Cute! Welcome to Visa journey 😀
  8. Also, the scammer may realize she will not be able to adjust and will try to come back in hopes of claiming Wawa. Be vigilant about any attempt to reconcile. You did good with the annulment. Very smart on your part. This is the best revenge, ensuring it will be difficult for her to adjust status another way.
  9. Are all of you currently residing in the Dominican Republic or US? Did your wife and stepdaughter immigrate to United States?
  10. 2019 Public Charge Final Rule is no longer in effect. Public Charge Resources | USCIS Clarifying the 2022 Public Charge Final Rule (uscis.gov) Public Charge Interagency Letter (uscis.gov)
  11. This question is meant for people who are considered a non-custodial parent and are obligated to pay child support to children outside of the home. Since your household is intact, this question is not applicable to your situation.
  12. Good luck to your friend. I hope she finds peace and a good outcome.
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