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Laura and Ferlay

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About Laura and Ferlay

  • Birthday 09/30/1984

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Immigration Info

  • Immigration Status
    K-1 Visa
  • Place benefits filed at
    Vermont Service Center
  • Country
  • Our Story
    Andy Ferlay Desir and I, Laura Jamie Saint Fleur were first introduced in 2009 by a mutual friend and family member (Andy-Ferlay’s cousin). At first, I (Laura) was not interested whatsoever; I was apprehensive about long distance relationships, especially with those in another country. Even though Andy- Ferlay knew that fact, he was very consistent and persistent in getting to know me better. We started off as “pen pals” and quickly became friends. We communicated mostly through instant messaging, emails and phone calls. The direction of my relationship with Andy Ferlay from platonic to romantic happened in Jan 2011 when he asked when our relationship was going to get serious. He told me that he was in love with me and can no longer deny his feelings for me. I told him that a big reason to which we were not together is because I live in the United States and he lives in Haiti. I went on stating that I haven’t been in Haiti since 1996 and I have no idea as of when I would return. Andy Ferlay continued to be persistent and committed to being with him. My feelings for him were growing stronger and stronger for him each day, and I finally decided to take a leap of faith and make a trip to Haiti. Because I am a teacher, I decided to use July to go on my trip. Since it was my first time going to Haiti in almost 15 years, I took my mother along with me and made it a vacation to visit family and friends as well.
    In July 2011(July 18, 2011-August 1st 2011), I went to Haiti and met with Andy-Ferlay. This was the best decision I have ever made in my life. Every day for two weeks, he came and visited me at my Aunties house and spent endless amount of time together. We were inseparable and were very sad when my trip ended. When I returned to the states, we made plans to go the Dominican Republic in December to meet up again. Unfortunately, on October 18, 2011 my grandmother passed away. I had to make a rush flight to Haiti to spend my last moments with her. When Andy- Ferlay heard this, he made sure that he was by my side for the 5 days that I was in Haiti. Where my grandmother lived and was buried was outside the city (La Gonave) and required a 45 minute boat ride. That was his and my first time ever traveling in that manner in Haiti and I appreciated his support and dedication to me and my family. That was the moment I knew I wanted Andy Ferlay to be my husband. After my trip to Haiti, we decided to cancel the December trip to the Dominican Republic. We talked about marriage and wanting to spend the rest of our lives together. Although it was a tough decision, we decided to live and marry each other in the United States of America.

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