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We completed the DS-260, submitted it online and printed out the application and confirmation.

We also created a profile at www.ustraveldocs.com/th and printed out a “Transaction Confirmation,” which consists of one page.

What exactly is the GSS Registration Confirmation page? We’re confused about this.

Our Packet 3 documents are ready. We’re just waiting for the Police Clearance Certificate.

At what point do we go to Krung Sri Bank to pay? Or can we pay at The Embassy on the day of the interview?


I submitted my question to the US Embassy and got a reply.

The correct confirmation page should look like the example attached, with the applicant’s personal information on each field. If you proceed to the very end and click “Printable version”, you should be able to print off this page and send it to our office with your packet 3 documents or bring it along on the interview date.

The Immigrant Visa fee for CR-1 applicant (spouse of US Citizen) can be paid directly at the Embassy’s cashier on the visa interview date. (Krungsri bank does not handle fee payment for this type of visa)

Best Regards,

Immigrant Visa unit

U.S. Embassy Bangkok


Filed: Citizen (apr) Country: Thailand
Posted (edited)

I submitted my question to the US Embassy and got a reply.

The correct confirmation page should look like the example attached, with the applicant’s personal information on each field. If you proceed to the very end and click “Printable version”, you should be able to print off this page and send it to our office with your packet 3 documents or bring it along on the interview date.

The Immigrant Visa fee for CR-1 applicant (spouse of US Citizen) can be paid directly at the Embassy’s cashier on the visa interview date. (Krungsri bank does not handle fee payment for this type of visa)

Best Regards,

Immigrant Visa unit

U.S. Embassy Bangkok

That's good info for future applicants. Thanks for sharing.

Edited by Karee

You can click on the 'X' to the right to ignore this signature.

  • 3 months later...
  • 1 month later...
Filed: K-1 Visa Country: Thailand

I submitted my question to the US Embassy and got a reply.

The correct confirmation page should look like the example attached, with the applicant’s personal information on each field. If you proceed to the very end and click “Printable version”, you should be able to print off this page and send it to our office with your packet 3 documents or bring it along on the interview date.

The Immigrant Visa fee for CR-1 applicant (spouse of US Citizen) can be paid directly at the Embassy’s cashier on the visa interview date. (Krungsri bank does not handle fee payment for this type of visa)

Best Regards,

Immigrant Visa unit

U.S. Embassy Bangkok

Hi. What confirmation page is the image showing?

I am trying to figure out where the GSS confirmation page is located. Anyone know what "GSS" represents?

Filed: K-1 Visa Country: Thailand

Hi. What confirmation page is the image showing?

I am trying to figure out where the GSS confirmation page is located. Anyone know what "GSS" represents?

Sorry folks. I think figured it out.

It's some confirmation page from the www.ustraveldocs.com/th website.

We just paid the fee so the confirmation page is not showing up yet. Instructions say to check next business day after 12:00pm. I am assuming we will be able to enter the receipt number and some sort of confirmation page will show up to print afterwards.

  • 2 months later...

According to packet #3 instructions from the Bangkok Embassy and other things I've read...the GSS system is for creating a "Profile" for the fiance. It would seem the most important aspect of this "Profile" is your fiance's address the embassy needs to mail him/her anything they need to mail. The confirmation page would be something you probably see at the end of the process of creating the "Profile".

I haven't done this part yet. We are close, but this is my best guest.

GSS = Global Support Strategy (not a very informative title, at least to the normal user)

K1 Packet #3 from Bangkok Embassy.

CONFIRMATION PRINTOUT OF GLOBAL SUPPORT STRATEGY (GSS) REGISTRATION: Each applicant must create his/her own profile and register his/her mailing address with the GSS system at www.ustraveldocs.com/th. Be sure to print out the CGI Pay Instruction Sheet and Bay Bank Deposit Slip from your profile as you will need both documents to make fee payment.

Other than a K1 Packet #3 from Bangkok Embassy.

CONFIRMATION PRINTOUT OF GLOBAL SUPPORT STRATEGY (GSS) REGISTRATION: Each applicant must create his/her own profile and register his/her mailing address with the GSS system at www.ustraveldocs.com/th.

10/11/2009 - Met in Thailand

12/30/2009 - Moved in together

I-129F (For Petitioner)

03/17/2015 - Mailed to US from Thailand

04/03/2015 - NOA1, Received at USCIS

04/07/2015 - Email saying routed to CSC

05/05/2015 - NOA2

06/02/2015 - Shipped to BNK Embassy

06/08/2015 - Finally got through to NVC and found out package had been shipped 6 days before.

Visa Application Process at Embassy for Fiance

06/09/2015 - Embassy received package.

06/15/2015 - Received Packet #3 in the mail. This is where I noticed the receving stamp from the Embassy.

08/08/2015 - Mailed Packet #3 (intentionally delayed)

08/09/2015 - Packet #3 received at Embassy

08/10/2015 - Received email from Embassy with appointment date of Aug 26th

08/26/2015 - Given passport back with 221(g) requesting more information to prove "Domicile"

------------ - We had a long voluntary delay for our own purposes which forced us to get another medical.

02/18/2016 - VISA APPROVED

03/04/2016 - Fiance arrived at LAX

03/14/2016 - Married

04/02/2016 - Mailed AOS to Chicago after getting certified copies of our Marriage Certificate

04/08/2016 - Immigration acknowledged receipt of all 4 forms via email and cashed the check for $1070

05/12/2016 - Boimetrics done.

07/25/2016 - Interview

08/01/2016 - Received 2-year GREEN CARD

04/24/2018 - Filed I-751 "Remove Conditions"

05/31/2018 - Rec'd NOA of I-751 filing  NOTE: Yes, it took that long

05/01/2019 - email to check status which said card was mailed

05/02/2019 - email to check status which said "Case Approved"

05/08/2019 - Received 10-Year GC in mail today.  Done!

Filed: K-1 Visa Country: Thailand

According to packet #3 instructions from the Bangkok Embassy and other things I've read...the GSS system is for creating a "Profile" for the fiance. It would seem the most important aspect of this "Profile" is your fiance's address the embassy needs to mail him/her anything they need to mail. The confirmation page would be something you probably see at the end of the process of creating the "Profile".

I haven't done this part yet. We are close, but this is my best guest.

GSS = Global Support Strategy (not a very informative title, at least to the normal user)

K1 Packet #3 from Bangkok Embassy.

CONFIRMATION PRINTOUT OF GLOBAL SUPPORT STRATEGY (GSS) REGISTRATION: Each applicant must create his/her own profile and register his/her mailing address with the GSS system at www.ustraveldocs.com/th. Be sure to print out the CGI Pay Instruction Sheet and Bay Bank Deposit Slip from your profile as you will need both documents to make fee payment.

Other than a K1 Packet #3 from Bangkok Embassy.

CONFIRMATION PRINTOUT OF GLOBAL SUPPORT STRATEGY (GSS) REGISTRATION: Each applicant must create his/her own profile and register his/her mailing address with the GSS system at www.ustraveldocs.com/th.

Yes. You are correct.

The jargon is confusing sometimes. We received the confirmation page the next day I believe, after the Embassy had a chance to review it. From that point, everything went very fast. My fiancee had her interview and was issued the visa within three weeks (4/21/2015) of this confirmation page.

Good luck in your journey.

  • 5 months later...
Posted (edited)

If you are paying in person at the bank it is supposed to take 24 hours or less. If you are paying by EFT or Electronic Fund Transfer then it can take up to 48 hours.

These are notes I wrote down with plans to maybe put them online one day.

Next we created a profile on the “cgifederal.secure.force” website which is needed to make the visa fee payment. Another important use this website has is to give your fiance's correct address where the embassy will mail anything they need to mail to your fiance. Most importantly, her passport with the visa in it at the end of this process.

The link is specific to THAILAND in English.


There are two places you can find instructions for making your payment.

The link is specific to THAILAND in English:


This link gives the most detailed instructions for Thailand. Here you can print the BAY Bank Deposit slip under the “Cash at Bank” instructions. There are two different places on this page from which you can print the BAY Bank deposit slip; they are both identical so it doesn’t matter which one you use to print the slip…assuming you will be going to the bank and paying in person as we did. This slip has two copies of the deposit slip on a single page; one is for the bank and one is given back to you as a half sheet as your bank receipt. It is very important for you to keep the one the bank gives back as it must be mailed to the Embassy in packet #3. I kept a high quality scan for my records in case it was lost.

A little more information here:


On this page the information is correct up until it talks about making the appointment which is not true for a K1 visa in Bangkok Thailand. In the case of a K1 Visa the embassy schedules your appointment after they have received and reviewed the Packet #3 documents.


This is my experience with the payment fee website --- link repeated above. Click on the “New User”. There are two places you can do this to create your account, in the top instructions with the yellow background and towards the bottom of the page. Once you have created your account and are looking at your dashboard, click on the left-hand menu item “New Application / Schedule Appointment”.

You will step though answering some questions until you get to the payment options. We chose to print the bank deposit slip and go to the bank in person. Remember: Each Embassy will have their own specific instructions and most certainly with regard to which bank you must use. When you pick your payment option you will get a screen with “Payment Instructions” which has all the information on it you will need such as your expiration date, Receipt#, Virtual account# and CGI#. It is very important for you to save and print these instructions and take them to the bank with you. To do this press “CTRL+A” which will select everything, then press “CTRL+C” to copy everything, then open a Word document and paste everything into a new document by pressing “CTRL+V”, then print and save this new document. I saw no option to do any of this on the web page containing these instructions. Alternately, you can just go to your browsers “File” menu and print the instruction page. I would print it at least twice or make a copy.

NOTE: All important documents I scanned and stored in my computer.

At the bottom of the page with step #8 where it lists the fees you must pay, there is a spot for a “receipt number” at the bottom of the page. The part I blacked out above the Receipt Number is your fiancé’s name.


At this point you can go no further until you have paid the fee at the bank and wait until the next day by around noon or two days if you used EFT (Electronic Fund Transfer). After waiting almost a day or two, you can go back to this point by clicking “CONTINUE” which you will see at the top of the left-hand menu after logging back in to your account. When you get to this step #8 you should now see the “receipt number” filled in. Once you see this number filled in you can now click on “continue” at the bottom right of this page.

This is what I wasn’t so clear about. This receipt number, which is clearly shown on the payment instructions, is filled in AUTOMATICALLY within 24-48 hours after you make the payment at the bank. So you come back here the next day around noon and see if it is filled in or maybe two days for electronic fee payment. Ours was there at just before 10:30am the next day. At this point, you can click on continue at the bottom-right of this page.

NOTE: Once you make payment, it is my firm belief that all of this is controlled automatically between the bank's computer systems and the state department's website. I seriously doubt the Embassy has any involvement in monitoring payments on a daily basis and making sure receipt numbers fill in within 24 hours of payment. It makes 100% sense when you think about the ETF taking 48 hours. An extra day is needed for the transfer from your bank to the Embassy's bank. Banks like to do their processing at night after closing hours so one night to process the transfer and one night to process the payment. Paying in person only takes one night of processing.

The next page presented is your Completed Transaction -- click on Printable Version. The file downloaded is a PDF file. When I downloaded it the file was not named correctly, it did not have the “.PDF” extension on it so my computer did not recognize it as a PDF file. If this is the case for you just click once on the file to highlight the file on your computer and then hit F2 to edit the filename…you want to add “.PDF” to the end of the filename, without the double-quote, of course. Now your computer will recognize it as a file which can be opened by Adobe Reader when you double-click on the file…then you can print it from within Adobe Reader. This file has barcodes in it that you will need. This printout needs to be mailed to the Embassy in packet #3.

Edited by khrfx4

10/11/2009 - Met in Thailand

12/30/2009 - Moved in together

I-129F (For Petitioner)

03/17/2015 - Mailed to US from Thailand

04/03/2015 - NOA1, Received at USCIS

04/07/2015 - Email saying routed to CSC

05/05/2015 - NOA2

06/02/2015 - Shipped to BNK Embassy

06/08/2015 - Finally got through to NVC and found out package had been shipped 6 days before.

Visa Application Process at Embassy for Fiance

06/09/2015 - Embassy received package.

06/15/2015 - Received Packet #3 in the mail. This is where I noticed the receving stamp from the Embassy.

08/08/2015 - Mailed Packet #3 (intentionally delayed)

08/09/2015 - Packet #3 received at Embassy

08/10/2015 - Received email from Embassy with appointment date of Aug 26th

08/26/2015 - Given passport back with 221(g) requesting more information to prove "Domicile"

------------ - We had a long voluntary delay for our own purposes which forced us to get another medical.

02/18/2016 - VISA APPROVED

03/04/2016 - Fiance arrived at LAX

03/14/2016 - Married

04/02/2016 - Mailed AOS to Chicago after getting certified copies of our Marriage Certificate

04/08/2016 - Immigration acknowledged receipt of all 4 forms via email and cashed the check for $1070

05/12/2016 - Boimetrics done.

07/25/2016 - Interview

08/01/2016 - Received 2-year GREEN CARD

04/24/2018 - Filed I-751 "Remove Conditions"

05/31/2018 - Rec'd NOA of I-751 filing  NOTE: Yes, it took that long

05/01/2019 - email to check status which said card was mailed

05/02/2019 - email to check status which said "Case Approved"

05/08/2019 - Received 10-Year GC in mail today.  Done!

  • 5 months later...
  • 3 weeks later...
Filed: Timeline

My stepson has an interview in 10 days. Is he required to sign up and bring this confirmation page to the interview if his visa application began in the states, not Thailand? His mother immigrated in 2014 and we never had to bring this to the interview. I petitioned for her in the states as well.

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