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Opt-Out / Do Not Sell

VisaJourey provides interest based advertising to visitors of the site. You can manage your opt-out for interest based advertising here. Outside of interest based advertising, VisaJourney does not sell your information. You may submit your email address below to request that VisaJourney not sell your information in the future, per CCPA guidelines.

NOTE: You will be sent a confirmation email to verify your ownership of the email address that you submit. You must click on the verification linkin that email to complete the opt out process.

We will log the following information as a part of your opt out request: Your name, your email, your IP address, your visajourney member ID (if you are logged in), whether you are a California or European Union (EU) Resident as of the date you submit this form, the date you submitted this form, the date you confirmed your opt-out via the confirmation link sent to you via email.

First Name:
Last Name:


What is your residence?
 California (CA)
 European Union (EU)

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