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anoras87's US Immigration Timeline

blank avatar   Petitioner's Name: my employer
Beneficiary's Name: me
VJ Member: anoras87
Country: Philippines

Last Updated: 2019-08-10
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Immigration Checklist for my employer & me:

Dept of State EB-3 Visa:    
USCIS I-485 Petition:  
USCIS I-765 Petition:      
USCIS I-131 Petition:      
USCIS I-751 Petition:  
USCIS N-400 Petition:  
Dept of State EB-3 Visa:    
USCIS N-400 Petition:  

EB-3 Visa
Event Date
I-129 Sent :
I-129 NOA1 :
I-129 RFE :
I-129 RFE Sent :
I-129 Approved :
NVC Received : 2018-08-15
NVC Left :
Consulate Received : 2019-05-10
Packet 3 Received : 2019-05-11
Packet 3 Sent :
Packet 4 Received :
Interview Date : 2019-07-05
Interview Result : Approved
Second Interview
(If Required):
Second Interview Result:
Visa Received :
US Entry :
I-140 Sent :
I-140 NOA1 :
I-140 RFE :
I-140 RFE Sent :
I-140 Approved :
Comments :

Member Reviews:

Consulate Review: Manila, Philippines
Review Topic: K1 Visa
Event Description
Review Date : November 28, 2013
Embassy Review : so i arrived at the embassy around 3 am. there were already couple of people lining up. i booked my hotel at bay view park thinking that all i need to do is just cross the road and thats it. i didnt realized that the line will starts near the foot bridge, around 800meters away from bayview park. so i walked like forever lol. when iarrived near the foot bridge, there wer vendors trying to assist u in anyway they. an and asking u if u have all sort of stuff. i just ignored them and smile because ive got everything i need from this forum. but i was nice to the vendors and entertain their questions, i rented a chair for 30 pesos from one of thr vendor and the chair where somehow like line as if it was the actual line for the visa lol but its not. so i waited and waited and waited like forever. the vendor was organized enough to separate all via classes. lol. theres a line for seamen, for immigrant and for k1. my interview call time was 7.30am, around 6am, the guard started calling those seamen and few minutes after, they were calling those immigrant for 6.15am appt. in short, we (k1 7.30am appt ) wer the last being called. the moment the guard started calling k1, i rushed to the line, just like what i said, the line of the chair is not the actual viss line lol. so i hurried and fall in line.. we were lining up standing near the tent and theres a line for k1 and spouses. i was prepared for all my documents and i separated them sccording to hanks advice, so i bought. plastic envelope where i placed my first page of my appt letter and first page of my ds160 form and place my passport as well. i inserted the forms in my passport and handed it to the lady guard. she stapled my docs and marked 01 and gave it back to me. she then placed a barcode sticker on my passport and placed it in a ziplock and gave it back to me. then im done for the first screening. i entered in a door for security check. its like an airport xray machine. make sure you do not brig any electronic devices, usb, phone,camera, and food. u will not be allowed to enter. unless you have with u ur american fiancee, they are allowed to deposit their belongings in a baggage counter. i was alone so i didnt bring any. make sure also to eat alot. as in alot! lol because u will starve to death waiting for ur que. anyhow, after i entered on the secutity check, the guard guided me to a door leading to a booth where u will hand your documents, your pasport, ds160 form and appt letter. those were the docs that u presented on the lady guard outside the embassy. after u give those docs to the ticket booth officer, he will give u your magic que number. memorize it and dont lose it. they will hand u back the forms u gave to them and will instruct u to drop it at window 39 but in my case, someone took it from us instead of dropping it on the box. after the ticketing booth, u will be directed to another door leading tot he actual floor where you will have the interview. here, u will again have ur security check, and look for th girl who collect the documents and give it to her so u will be called in ur que. after ur xray security, they will durect u tot he right side, that is where the waiting starts. on the left side wre seamen. so i kind of think they have a separate interview. the mens room ( since im a guy) is in the left side where the seamen are sitting. i dont know where the girls cr to be honest. lol. here, all u have to do is sit. in front of u are several que board where the numbers will flash on the screen. my lucky number was 6095. the numbers were called randomly. so make sure u look at the board from time to time specially if u hear that ring ring thingy when the number changed on the que board. i was sitting there and waiting for my number.. it was around 7am when i was called ofr biometrics at window 43. the american guy just ask for my name and date of birth and have my finger prints scanned. then ask me to sit down and wait for my number to be called again. while waiting, i arranged my documents according to hanks advice. after biometric, you will be called for an interview with a filipino consul.i placed all my documents in an order,y manner, so i dont need to look for it once im infring of the filipino consul. i placed my nbi. passport,cenomar, nso and police clearance in a plastic enveloped. interestingly. the filipina consul gave me back my police clearance and told me they dont need it, but i brought it anyway just in case. then i placed my i134 form, w2, 1040, letter of employment, and pay stub in a transparent plactic folder and gave it all to the filipino consul. she then asked for my name, birt date, my fiancee name, brithdate, where did we meet, when did she viisited me, for how long. asked me if i was married before. if my fiancee was married before, and asked me to show our pi s, i brought a huge photo album and the consul was laughing at me asking if these are all that i have, lol. and jokingly answered, ive got some more in my hotel room just in case u need more lol. it was a actually s pretty simple intervire. but mind u, whilei was waiting for my turn, i was so ready to die lol. i kept on telling myself that i shouldnt be afraid because these consul will not kill me, or put me in jail. i kept telling myself that i have been to the worst. lol. u will think ofe verythig. u can think of while waiting lol. plus e silence in the rooms adds to the pressure. lol. it was around 9am when i was called by the filipino consul. after that, i sat back and waited for my final interview with an american consul. this time, i was. little relax or so i though, because at least, i did good with the first consul which i think adds to my confidence for my second interview. and then again is sat down and waited. i was called at window 64 around 10.30am. i thought i was then so relax but then when i saw my number flashed on the que board, for i dont know what happen, i started palpitating. lool.. i took coupe of deep deep breathsa nd stood upa nd head to the smerican consul. at the window, i greeted the american consul. hes i guess around 20ish somehting and male. i said, good morning sir, snd he anwered, hey, how are you. i answered,im good and u? and he just smiled and say im excited for you.. lol.. i didnt answer back coz i dont know what to say. lol.....then he asked me to raised my right hand and read the oath placed on thr upper right porting of the cubicle. then he started grilling me lol.. to be honest, before i opened my mouth, i was like, i am going to die this time lol.. but then when we started talking, i started to relax. he then asked me whats my name, birthdate, fisncee name, birth date, when and how did we meet. when did she visisted me, for how long, where is she originally, asked me how did i propose. then he looked into my affiavit of support and asked me if whats her work and how much she earns. then he asked me what lamguage do we communicste with my fiance. while i was answering and wasnt even finish, he cut me off snd said. congratulations your visa is approved!!!, AND oh My HOLLY mOLLY! i i was soooooooooo happy and lost my que number lol. he then told me to wait for my numbrt to br called for releasing. so i sat back and waited, after a few minuted, i realized i lost my que number, so the whole time i was waiting, i was looking for my que number. i head back to the cubicle and saw a piece of paper, is sked to bee xcused and got the papr and yhea. that was my qur number lol.. i was called in releasing around 11.20am. i filled up everythign online so the releasing officer just told me to wait for my visa .. and off i went back to my hotel wiht a big big smile!,!,!!,!,,btw, i was the only male k1 that time . lol.
Rating : Very Good

Timeline Comments: None yet, be the first!

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