ample waiting's US Immigration Timeline
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Petitioner's Name: mano Beneficiary's Name: abby VJ Member: ample waiting Country: Pakistan Last Updated: 2023-09-27 |
Immigration Checklist for mano & abby:
Member Reviews: None Found
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Timeline Comments: 7

I have applied for k1 from pakistan can you help me?

Sure I'll do what i can :)

I have filled ds 160 and payed the fee. But currently no appointments available.
Do you received any letter from the Islamabad embassy before scheduling interview?
What does consultate received mean? I haven't received any email

In which date the slots Opened before? In which date you scheduled your interview?
After how many days you were able to see the available slots;?

The slots are open now. Hopefully you have been able to book an appointment by now

You dont get any instructions letter . Just go ahead and book your slot

Hey Ample, did you already have your interview? What questions were asked?