DijanaJ's US Immigration Timeline
Petitioner's Name: DÖY Beneficiary's Name: DJ VJ Member: DijanaJ Country: Turkey Last Updated: 2023-04-30 |
Immigration Checklist for DÖY & DJ:
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Timeline Comments: 5
Bribar on 2023-05-02 said:
Hello, your interview date seems to be quicker than other IR-1 petitioners. Did you manage to expedite it or did you just get lucky? Thanks and congrats!!
DijanaJ on 2023-05-02 said:
Hi so actually was documentation qualified finally November 11th, 2023 and on February 24th, 2023 received the interview date which was April 12th 2023. Good luck on your via journey!
Bribar on 2023-05-02 said:
Oh okay, then that lines up with the other timelines we are seeing. I appreciate your response!
Tugrulky on 2023-05-09 said:
Hey, how was the interview? Can you tell us about it little bit?
DijanaJ on 2023-05-23 said:
Sorry for the late response! It was less than two minutes literally. I think once you receive an interview it’s pretty much a done deal. They asked who was the sponsor, and household member, are we going to move to the US and what kind of jobs my husband would be doing very general. The wait time was about 3 hours and interview was a total a five min.