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Catchy's US Immigration Timeline

blank avatar   Petitioner's Name: Harold
Beneficiary's Name: Kate
VJ Member: Catchy
Country: Nigeria

Last Updated: 2020-04-04
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Timeline Comments: 2

blank avatar Catchy on 2019-10-06 said:
Hi. Greetings my people. I'm glad to join you. I have some pressing inquiries. I'm hoping I'd get answers to them and wish to tap from your wealth of knowledge in this immigration process.
blank avatar Catchy on 2019-10-06 said:
My I140 petition was filed on the 7th of June, 2019. It was a regular filing, on the 16th July, it was granted approval, and then on 17th July, it was reopened. Both notices of approval and reopening were received on the 17th of July. Since then, no decision has been made or further communication from Uscis. I tried to contact them but they refused to give me any information. My agency refused to call and prefers to wait endlessly until they communicate. It's over 2months now and I don't know what could be going on. Please has anyone had similar experience or can suggest a solution to this. I desperately need help please
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