llednew.rm's US Immigration Timeline
Petitioner's Name: W Beneficiary's Name: J VJ Member: llednew.rm Country: Canada Last Updated: 2020-09-17 |
Immigration Checklist for W & J:
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Timeline Comments: 4
C&K F on 2020-05-03 said:
Hey! Did you end up getting an interview etc.?
Llednew.rm on 2020-05-03 said:
The interview was scheduled for March 23, 2020, but was cancelled on March 19 due to COVID-19. So we were very close! But now waiting indefinitely.
IsItLekker on 2020-08-30 said:
Hi guys! Congratulations on getting your new interview date! Did you apply for an expedite or did the consulate reschedule you by themselves?
Llednew.rm on 2020-08-30 said:
We applied for an expedite but never heard that it was accepted. The consulate rescheduled the interview by themselves, from what we can tell--it's happening to others as well. Either way, we're glad it's moving again!