Belenll's US Immigration Timeline
Petitioner's Name: Derek Beneficiary's Name: Belen VJ Member: Belenll Country: Spain Last Updated: 2021-06-25 |
Immigration Checklist for Derek & Belen:
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Timeline Comments: 7
Sdean04 on 2019-11-27 said:
I emailed the Conselate that I had not received packet 3 and been almostb4 weeks and they replied to me giving the information for packet 3 via email. If you want it I can email it to you. My email is You can return the information to the address on the letter after your ppwk clears NVC and arrives at the conselate.
N+C on 2020-01-21 said:
I see that we have the interview scheduled in Madrid a week apart. I had a quick question for you. Have you contacted the Unidad Medica Angloamericana for your medical exam? We did and they gave us an appointment 10 days prior to the embassy interview. They said it would take at least that long to have the results back. It seems like an unnecessarily long time between appointments. My fiancé is going to have to travel to Madrid from Santander two times in a week. They are also charging 400 Euros. Did you have a similar experience?
The reason I ask is that I've read other accounts where people have gone to do the medical exam the day before and then picked up the sealed result and then taken them with them to the embassy interview the next day. I just don't know if that is no longer the way the do it or if the lady that gave my fiancé the appointment is just unaware? Please let me know about your experience, I am panicking here!
Best of luck to you and your fiancé!!
Belenll on 2020-01-21 said:
Hi Norma,
I have my medical appointment 9 days before the interview. On the Unidad Medica Angloamericana's website it says to do it at least 7 days before the interview.
Yeah, the price is 393 euros as long as they don't need to give him any vaccines or anything complimentary. =(
Good luck to you too!
Tatis on 2020-02-26 said:
Hola, espero estén muy bien.
Felicitaciones por tener su visa aprobada. Una consulta. ¿Saben cuanto tiempo demorará en que les llegue su pasaporte con la visa o se la entregaron el mismo dÃa?
Quedo atenta y un abrazo.
Belenll on 2020-02-26 said:
Me dijeron que en 1 o 2 semanas me llegará.
Un saludo
Tatis on 2020-03-19 said:
Hola, espero estén bien. ¿Qué tal vais? ¿Les ha llegado su visa entre la semana o 2 que dijeron? Justo hace una semana que nos acaban de aprobar la nuestra y queriamos validar si el tiempo estimado es real.
Belenll on 2020-03-19 said:
Me tardo justo 2 semanas :-)
*Notice about estimates: The estimates are based off averages of other members recent experiences
(documented in their timelines) for the same benefit/petition/application at the same filing location.
Individual results may vary as every case is not always 'average'. Past performance does not necessarily
predict future results. The 'as early as date' may change over time based on current reported processing
times from members. There have historically been cases where a benefit/petition/application processing
briefly slows down or stops and this can not be predicted. Use these dates as reference only and do not
rely on them for planning. As always you should check the USCIS processing times to see if your application
is past due.
** Not all cases are transfered