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Barry Lipschitz's US Immigration Timeline

  Petitioner's Name: Barry
Beneficiary's Name: Bupha
VJ Member: Barry Lipschitz
Country: Thailand

Last Updated: 2020-09-30
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Immigration Checklist for Barry & Bupha:

USCIS DCF I-130 Petition:      
Dept of State IR-1/CR-1 Visa:    
USCIS I-751 Petition:  
USCIS N-400 Petition:  

IR-1/CR-1 Visa
Event Date
Service Center : Texas Service Center
Transferred? No
Consulate : Bangkok, Thailand
Marriage (if applicable): 2015-11-16
I-130 Sent : 2019-06-27
I-130 NOA1 :
I-130 RFE :
I-130 RFE Sent :
I-130 Approved :
NVC Received :
Received DS-261 / AOS Bill :
Pay AOS Bill :
Receive I-864 Package :
Send AOS Package :
Submit DS-261 :
Receive IV Bill :
Pay IV Bill :
Send IV Package :
Receive Instruction and Interview appointment letter :
Case Completed at NVC :
NVC Left :
Consulate Received : 2019-06-27
Packet 3 Received : 2019-09-23
Packet 3 Sent : 2019-12-01
Packet 4 Received : 2019-12-09
Interview Date : 2020-01-22
Interview Result : Approved
Second Interview
(If Required):
Second Interview Result:
Visa Received : 2020-01-31
US Entry : 2020-06-21
Comments : Flight delayed due to Covid-19 pandemic and my health conditions..We are scheduled to leave April 1 2020 on Philippine Airlines from bkk with layover in Manila, then to LAX..
April 23,2020..As we are exempt from the President's "executive order" to pause immigration to the US. We will make new flight plans to the USA ASAP..

After 2 cancellations because of the pandemic,We now have confirmed reservations from bkk to LAX via Asiana Airlines for the 9th of June..Hope we have some good luck and everything goes as planned...will update after we arrive,I hope...

Received Green Card June 20,2020...approximately 89 days ater POE.Now we,re still waiting for SSN, but she has already found employment using her Green CardHopefully her SSN will follow soon!!
We encountered a 3rd cancellation with Asiana Airlines..We were told that my wife would not be allowed to travel to the US with a thai passport even though she has a valid IS visa in her passport(IR-1)...

We had to change airlines and are now scheduled to come to LAX via Cathay Pacific....on June 21st...I pray this will go off smoothly...........

We arrived at LAX on Father's Day June 21st with no problems. The flight was quick and the POE was very fast to process my wife's paperwork. They only wanted to double check our US address to be sure the GC would be sent to the correct address.. Highly recommend Cathay Pacific>They were professional and made the flight very pleasant.

Today,at last,my wife received her 10 year green card!! 08/25/20..M!!ission Accomplished...so happy
Estimates/Stats :
Enter your I-130 NOA1 time in your timeline to get an estimated approval (NOA2) date!

Port of Entry Review
Event Date
Port of Entry : Los Angeles
POE Date : 2020-06-21
Got EAD Stamp :
Biometrics Taken : Yes
Harassment Level : 0
Comments : Great flight, no hassles and half empty plane!!

Member Reviews:

Consulate Review: Bangkok, Thailand
Review Topic: IR-1/CR-1 Visa
Event Description
Review Date : March 23, 2020
Embassy Review :

(updated on March 23, 2020)
Rating : Not Rated

Timeline Comments: 6

Jamesandor on 2019-10-26 said:
HI Barry Well it has been 1 month and 1 week since i handed over the paperwork. I have no patience :) You get your email? You making progress? thanks JRV
Jamesandor on 2019-12-10 said:
Hi Barry and Bupha Congratulations on getting to interview. Should be easy sailing from here. The doctor in bangkok would not listen to us when we tried to explain the scarring on her lungs. We tried to show him the xray from when she was 15 that showed the same thing he was looking at. BUT he said she had to do a full TB routine which was taking sputum three days in a row and then like 8 weeks to culture to see if TB shows up. SO we should be getting the results from the culuture test about the time Bupha goes for interview. Good luck james and OR
Jamesandor on 2020-05-28 said:
I hope you get out without any troubles . We got out just in time . We got to Chicago from Japan 18 March The only problem we ha was while t my sisters in Illinois They locked everything down and we had to stay there a month BUT WE made it to TEXAS about 1.5 months ago .BOUGHT a car in Illinois and it broke on the way so rented a Uhaul and towed it the rest of the way I just finished fixing it two days ago BUT we have found A house and have a signed contract waiting for appraisal and title NOT able to get her SS number but they want an inface interview BUT they are closed in hind sight should have done together I hope if house Goes through we will be living in Grapeland Texas Good luck
Barry Lipschitz on 2020-05-28 said:
Wow, that's quite a journey!!! It sounds like you had your ups and downs, but you made it through at such a difficult time..When we get to Long Beach,Ca. I imagine we'll still have to self-quarantine for 2 weeks,but we'll go after that SS card ASAP, as it will be important for my wife find a job ASAP. I know it will not be easy,but there really is nothing easy during these trying times...I am glad you have a plan and it sounds as if you are almost there..Good luck to you guys and I'll try to update as we get through this messy process...Stay healthy!!!
Jamesandor on 2020-05-29 said:
Also when we came through the customs and ins they only asked her one question “Is your husband retired? Her “yes” welcome to America IT was so fast I was still busy trying to get the right form to fill out. I hope it is as easy for you guys.
Barry Lipschitz on 2020-05-29 said:
Thanks for the tip!! Every little bit of info helps put my mind at ease...I hope it goes as smoothly for us..It really should as I am retired for 9 years already and I am ready to stay back home in California..My wife has all her documents in order and it is now just a waiting game..Thanks for your support and stay safe in Texas!!
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*Notice about estimates: The estimates are based off averages of other members recent experiences
(documented in their timelines) for the same benefit/petition/application at the same filing location.
Individual results may vary as every case is not always 'average'. Past performance does not necessarily
predict future results. The 'as early as date' may change over time based on current reported processing
times from members. There have historically been cases where a benefit/petition/application processing
briefly slows down or stops and this can not be predicted. Use these dates as reference only and do not
rely on them for planning. As always you should check the USCIS processing times to see if your application
is past due.

** Not all cases are transfered

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