AnaCarolina's US Immigration Timeline
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Petitioner's Name: Nikos Beneficiary's Name: Ana Carolina VJ Member: AnaCarolina Country: Mexico Last Updated: 2021-01-28 |
Immigration Checklist for Nikos & Ana Carolina:
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Timeline Comments: 19

Congratulations 🥳

Congratulations 🥳

Thanks (: I got an email from the site but whe haven't got the NOA2 on the email neither on the mail yet :b

In a few days the letter arrives for your husband.I'm here waiting for my day to come☺ï¸

What was the prediction that Visa Journey was giving you?

The letter arrived yesterday, it says our NOA2 was 4/29.
The prediction was constantly updsting, the last one was March 26 to April 1, so they nailed it ;)
Potomac is working hard and going really fast, I'm sure you'll have good news sonner than expected, boa sorte!

My prediction is June 26 to July 1, I am anxious and in expectation, I hope it leaves soon!Glad to see cases every day as yours, it really shows the great work that Potomac is doing!Good luck in the next stages.â¤ï¸ðŸ˜˜

Hi guys! Did you ever receive your interview date?

Hello! No yet! Can you believe it? Hahaha. Seems like our consulate (Ciudad Juárez, Mexico) is the busiest one and the waiting for the interview was taking A YEAR 😱 Luckily we are at the end of our waiting period 🤞🻠As soon as we get our interview we will update the timeline. Good luck with your process 😉

Hi there IsItLekker! We got our interview date! It's going to be on April 17 (:

Congratulations! That is so exciting! Good luck!

Hola Ana Carolina, una pregunta que noticias te han dado de tu cita que veo que el 17 de abril, o para esta fecha ya estará abierto el consulado?
Donde dice Case Completed at NVC : 2019-05-14. Esta fecha es cuando nvc en el portal de ceac aprobó toda la documentación?
Yo estoy en el proceso y estoy esperando que me den cita. Ya tengo todo aprobado en el portal de nvc

Hola J. Aragon! Sobre el NVC estás en lo correcto, el case completed es cuando el NVC te aprobó la documentación y te mandó un mail/carta diciendo que ya solo estás esperando cita. Antes de todo lo que está pasando ahorita el Consulado estaba tardando 11-12 meses para agendar citas a los pedidos por ciudadanos.
Sobre nuestra cita, está cancelada, el 19 de marzo recibimos el mail del Consulado con la cancelación.
Un dÃa llamé al consulado para actualizar nuestra dirección y me dijeron que habÃan cancelado citas hasta el 30 de abril, después en un grupo de facebook (Citados al Consulado en Cd Juarez) vi que gente con cita en mayo ya también está recibiendo los mails de cancelación. Se supone que cuando abran el Consulado ellos nos reagendarán las citas pero la verdad es que no hay una fecha fija para la apertura porque las cosas se van moviendo como avanza la situación.
Ojalá todo esto pase rápido y pronto podamos tener nuestras citas y terminar nuestros procesos. Ãnimo, mucha suerte y muuuucha paciencia ;)

Hi Ana just wondering if you have had a new interview set up since the pandemic pushed back your original interview date?

Hello @MyJourney20 and sorry for not answering before. Up until now we haven't gotten any new information from the Consulate about our interview. Hopefully soon we will have good news, I'll keep you posted.

Hi! Have you had your interview rescheduled yet? I contacted the nvc and they said the consulates are working on rescheduling canceled interviews.

Did you guys have to submit a waiver?

Hello @MicaRausch. We only got our interview reschedule until December, when we got a mail with our new interview day for January 15th (: They are slowly rescheduling the canceled appointments.

Hello @Felicia Aguilar. We didn't need a waiver, I live in Mexico (:
*Notice about estimates: The estimates are based off averages of other members recent experiences
(documented in their timelines) for the same benefit/petition/application at the same filing location.
Individual results may vary as every case is not always 'average'. Past performance does not necessarily
predict future results. The 'as early as date' may change over time based on current reported processing
times from members. There have historically been cases where a benefit/petition/application processing
briefly slows down or stops and this can not be predicted. Use these dates as reference only and do not
rely on them for planning. As always you should check the USCIS processing times to see if your application
is past due.
** Not all cases are transfered