Consulate Review: Dominican Republic Review Topic: General Review
Event |
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Review Date : |
July 9, 2014 |
Embassy Review : |
Took a van from Santiago to Santo Domingo for $1000 pesos per person. Left around 3:10am, picked up a van full of people around Santiago area and was on our way around 4:35am or later. We arrived around 6:00am and our appointment was at 6:45, but this does not matter as nearly everyone waits until they start letting people in.
We quickly made our way past the buscones and got in line. There were about 4 to 5 different lines. About 30-45 minutes of waiting in line, some guy up front started organizing the lines based on appointment times - 6:45 get in this line, 7:00 get in another line, etc. Around 25-30 minutes later, some of the other lines started going in. I found out that these people wound up being the ones who would be waiting on the outside area that other posters had mentioned. About 7:40, they started letting people in. Stick close to your loved one, because everyone has been waiting awhile and can't wait to make it through into the building to get their process started.
After passing through the initial line formation, a guy checked our appointment letter to make sure we had an appointment for that day and then we separated into 2 lines, one for women, the other for men. If you are a guy and travelling with a little one (girl or boy), it is possible for both to go through the same line if the child is very young. Older children had to separate like everyone else. I gave the appointment letter to my fiancee and told her I would meet her inside. You go through the metal detectors and empty you pockets and pass through. Of course no cell phones, and not unnecessary metal objects are allowed, no creams, lotion or anything. this guy behind me had 3 cellphones on him and he was trying to argue his case that nobody told him and he didn't read anything on the web site about it. haha! He was turned back.
Once you pass through the metal detectors, you walk into an outside courtyard. The outside around with seating and large roofing was to the right up ahead and the actual building that you need to go to was to the left up ahead. The guy line was much shorter than then women's line, so I had to wait. I tried to wait outside, but security stated that we could not wait outside in that area - so we went inside - only to be told by security there that we either had to go through the rest of the line inside or wait outside. So we went outside, only to be told again that we could not wait outside. I wish someone would make up their minds. I wound up going through the line inside where at the end you get your ticket number, but you need to show your appointment letter to get it. Well, my fiancee has that, so I told the guy who hands out the tickets and he said we could wait off to the side. After about 5-10 minutes, my fiancee shows up and get a ticket. At first I though she would have wound up waiting outside by the outside seating, but the security outside directed her to the correct place.
Once inside, we found a seat and waited for our number to be called/shown on the monitor screen. There are monitors all over the place, so we found a spot where we could read the monitor - even though they announce the number as well and tell you which window to go to. We waited for about 30 minutes before out number come up.
BE AWARE - it was quite chilly inside to me. Both me and my fiancee wish we had a sweater or something. You might want to think about taking something light to put on while waiting in the chilly area.
We went up to the designated window and gave them the necessary documents when they asked for them - appointment letter, birth certificates, passport, medical exam results (which you can not open - you must give directly to them), DS-156K form, DS-160 confirmation page, etc. He then told us to go to Window 31 to pay the $80 (K1 Visa), and he will wait for us to return. Well, Window 31 was closed, but security told us that the cashier was upstairs, directly about where Window 31 was. Now, right before you get your ticket number, there are stairs to the right, which you can go up and there are more Windows there - - - - - and most importantly, that's where the only bathrooms in the place are so keep this in mind. So we go upstairs, find the line to pay and return with the receipts. The guy gives us a pamphlet about Domestic Violence and the Immigrant's rights etc. that we should read (one in English for me, one in Spanish for her). Then the guy tells us that either Window 1 or Window 2 will call us to go fingerprints. NOW, you should head towards Windows 1 and 2 and wait because your number will not be shown on the monitors for this. You will hear your name or via an intercom that is around Window 1/2. We did not know this and after 20 minutes, I went to Window 1 and inquired only to be told that our name was called already ... so I grabbed my fiancee and got that taken care of.
So we both went to the bathroom at this time and returned and waited for our number to be called. Surprisingly, not much time passed and our number was called. It was interview time.
We were both sworn in and he started asking me questions, then asking her questions, then asking me more questions (some of the questions were more of the same) ... I guess he was trying to trip us up to see if we say something different than before. He asked for photos and my passport and started flipping through them, then asked more questions to her, then more to me.
Asked me:
Does she have children?
How old are they?
What is her mother's name?
What do I do for work?
How long have we been together?
How many times have I been to the DR?
How many of those times were to only visit her?
What does she do for a living?
Asked her questions like:
How many times have I visited?
When I did visit, how long were my stays?
When did we first meet?
How did we meet?
Do I have any children?
What did I do for work?
Where do I live?
Asked questions about her children, which I did not understand much.
Like I stated before, the guy asked some questions more than once to see if he could catch us in a lie or with mismatch stories.
ALSO, he asked my fiancee if she read the pamphlet that we were given at the first window and then asked her to explain what it was talking about.
After awhile, he started gathering the paperwork. When we first started the interview, I had already seen the GREEN visa ticket together with our documents, so all we had to do is answer questions truthfully and correct. While he was gathering papers, he tried a few last-ditch questions to try and stump us before he gave us the ticket. That did not work. 
At the end, he said congratulations, you are approved, gave us our green ticket, and told us to pay DOMEX outside. As we left the interview window I gave my fiancee a big kiss on the cheek! Job well done!
We went outside to pay DOMEX, luckily the line was not long and we were at the front within 5 minutes or so.
Overall, it was a sort of a nervous experience, but things were smooth. If you know your partner and your partner knows you, then you will not have any problems. |
Rating : |
Very Good |