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LorenaDelmonte's US Immigration Timeline

blank avatar   Petitioner's Name: Lorena
Beneficiary's Name: Edwin
VJ Member: LorenaDelmonte
Country: Dominican Republic

Last Updated: 2012-09-29
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Immigration Checklist for Lorena & Edwin:

USCIS DCF I-130 Petition:      
Dept of State IR-1/CR-1 Visa:    
USCIS I-751 Petition:  
USCIS N-400 Petition:  

IR-1/CR-1 Visa
Event Date
Service Center : Vermont Service Center
Transferred? No
Consulate : Dominican Republic
Marriage (if applicable): 2011-09-14
I-130 Sent : 2011-12-13
I-130 NOA1 : 2011-12-19
I-130 RFE :
I-130 RFE Sent :
I-130 Approved :
NVC Received :
Received DS-261 / AOS Bill :
Pay AOS Bill :
Receive I-864 Package :
Send AOS Package :
Submit DS-261 :
Receive IV Bill :
Pay IV Bill :
Send IV Package :
Receive Instruction and Interview appointment letter :
Case Completed at NVC :
NVC Left :
Consulate Received :
Packet 3 Received :
Packet 3 Sent : 2012-07-30
Packet 4 Received : 2012-08-02
Interview Date : 2012-09-27 Submit Review
Interview Result : Approved
Second Interview
(If Required):
Second Interview Result:
Visa Received :
US Entry :
Comments : Ok so here's a little bit about our interview:
We are from Santiago, so we drove from STI to the capital on Wed night & our interview was scheduled for Thur Sept 27! We stood at " Jardines del teatro" I highly recomend that place to EVERYONE! Clean & great atenciones by Doña Hilda her husband & the whole staff! They asked what time was our cita we said 8:30 so he said for us to leave the hotel at 8am, well we did we walking towards the embassy and all you see was buscones all over but we Didn't pay attention to them, that line was the biggest line I've ever seem but few minutes later a guy w/ a shirt that says info came checked our cita letter & gave us our lucky number 286 after that line went really fast & we got inside the consulate like around 8:18am pero Dios mio que calor & no seats nothing! Well like 40 minutes passed my husband was like ma you sure they didn't call our number yet & 15 mins after he said that, they called 286 to window 17 para entregar papel de buena conducta cedula y pasaporte! He sent us to
Window 15 for the finger prints! We went back out & that's when I told my husband paciencia cause who knows how many hours we'll be in here waiting, We went to eat en la cafeteria and sat down empezamos hacer cuento para que se nos quitara el calor & an hour passed & when I see our number to go to 286 Dios mio me queria morir lol de los nervios! Well we get to casilla 21 & an american lady in her mid-thirtys was there to greet us, nos dice buenos días we replied, she started by asking our names, she asked Edwin his age!
1) Donde nos conocimos?
2) Cuando la relación paso a seria?
3) A mi esposo, Si yo tenia hermanos?
4) Cuantas veces yo había ido cuando eramos novios? He got confused & messed up but it didn't seem to matter, it got to a pOint where she stopped & said Porque están tan nerviosos? & i replied ay because we just want to get approved she smiled & continued ..
5) She asked me, How many brothers he had?
6) If we had kids?
7) if we had any pictures? I started showing her then llegamos de la foto of how he gave me my engament ring which was reaally funny & she was laughing, then the picture of my name tattoed on his finger & then she said the magic words!
Felicidades!!!! Su visa fue aprobada, we kissed le dimos las gracias y salimos FELICES!!!
Me faltaron algunos detalles pero en realidad no me acuerdo de mas lol oh y allá vi a Arianny y Janiel !!! :)
Estimates/Stats :
There are not enough recent approvals in the timeline system to accurately approximate when your I-130 will be approved. Please see the Timeline Stats page to see recent approvals.

Your interview took 283 days from your I-130 NOA1 date.

Member Reviews: None Found

To enter a review please select one of the following:

--o Consulate Reviews
--o US Port of Entry Reviews
--o US CIS Local Office Reviews

Timeline Comments: None yet, be the first!

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*Notice about estimates: The estimates are based off averages of other members recent experiences
(documented in their timelines) for the same benefit/petition/application at the same filing location.
Individual results may vary as every case is not always 'average'. Past performance does not necessarily
predict future results. The 'as early as date' may change over time based on current reported processing
times from members. There have historically been cases where a benefit/petition/application processing
briefly slows down or stops and this can not be predicted. Use these dates as reference only and do not
rely on them for planning. As always you should check the USCIS processing times to see if your application
is past due.

** Not all cases are transfered

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