Consulate Review: Montreal, Canada Review Topic: K1 Visa
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Review Date : |
December 8, 2012 |
Embassy Review : |
Our experience at the Montreal consulate was pretty good. We definitely did our research before heading out, and I found this thread to be particularly helpful:
We (my fiance, the USC, and I) stayed at the Hotel Le Dauphin, which was about a 5 minute walk away. The night before the interview, we did the walk to the consulate to ensure we knew exactly where it was and how to get there.
On the morning of the interview, we left our hotel right around 6:30, and there was no one at the consulate. We decided to walk to the Tim Hortons, so we got coffee and walked back, and were still first in line. My fiance was saying to me that we would probably be the only ridiculous ones in line that early for an 8am appointment, but just as he was saying that, a lovely young lady walked up carrying her paperwork - VJ user EastCoast - and we made a new friend! Having another person there to converse with was an excellent distraction. I highly recommend making friends with other VJ buddies for your interview day! Our interview was on December 6, and it was COLD. If you're going to be waiting outside the consulate in the winter, definitely wear as many layers as possible.
As it got closer to 7:30, the line got longer. When the security guard opened the door, we were first in. They asked for my appointment letter and passport (I gave both mine and my fiance's - and she put a sticker with a number on the back of mine). Then we were sent through security. And then we were sent down the stairs to the basement.
We sat by the elevator, and were soon joined by EastCoast - she told us that two of the people in line with us were sent away for the bags they brought. Both had asked us if we thought they would be okay - the bags ONLY had their paperwork inside - so if you have any doubt, just don't bring it. We had a zippered binder, which was about the same size as one of the other guys' briefcases, but we were allowed in and he was not (maybe because there were no handles, and when it was unzipped, it was clearly just a 3-ring binder? Not sure - either way... I would probably just stick to envelopes or a lightweight binder, knowing this now)
People started to gather, and it must have been right around 8 when they let the first round of people up in the elevator. Lots of people have found this site now, so just about everyone knows to stand towards the back of the elevator. Just be aware that you have to be quick and maybe a bit sneaky, even if you're first in line outside, to get that prime spot in the elevator. The elevator really does take FOREVER. There is no indication that you're even moving, but chances are, you are.
When we got up to the top, there was no one directing people, and no signage, except for the yellow arrows on the floor. I knew what to expect, so I went straight to the window. She asked for my appointment letter (and maybe my passport, I can't remember) and handed me ticket C1. Then we moved over to the chairs to sit down. It doesn't really matter where you sit at this point - we sat towards the back until we were called.
We were called to Window 1, and asked for the appointment letter, then the medical, original & photocopy of the birth certificate (they gave back the original), AOS form and supporting evidence, and I think that was it. She had all the copies of the I-129F thru Packet 3 in a folder with my name on it. She gave me the cd with the xray on it to keep safe for when I arrive in the US, and then told us to wait for our number to be called again.
We sat with some of our new friends. Then we heard them call "C1, window ...." ALL of us heard it, clear as day, but we didn't hear which window. My fiance and I were wandering around the windows, but there was NO ONE there. We even went up to some of the 1-4 windows that had no applicants, and asked if they had called us, but no one had. We *THINK* what happened is that someone mis-spoke and called the wrong number, but didn't correct themselves. Either way, it made me even MORE nervous than I already was!
Then, they finally called us up to Window 9. Our new friends wished us luck and told us to give them some sort of sign when we came out. We went up to the window and she asked us to raise our right hands and swear an oath. It was kind of funny, we did that, but then she didn't tell us to put our hands down - I looked to my fiance and he still had his up, so we both kept our hands up, then she glanced at us and kind of laughed and said "you can put your hands down now!" (We also noticed a coffee mug on her desk, and there was a line printed on it that said "this glass is now half empty" - we were both glad that the coffee was above the line!). She took my passport, and asked me only two questions: How did you meet, and walk me through the progression of your relationship (which was all stated in the original I-129F document - so maybe she just wanted to confirm?) She also asked my fiance where in Florida he lived, and if it was a college town. Not sure why?
She didn't ask for any of our additional "proof of relationship" evidence. She just typed a few things in her computer, and then said "Congratulations, you're approved!" and slid the "Welcome to USA" letter to me. She mentioned something about my passport, but I honestly did not hear anything after that point, because I was so excited!
My fiance and I moved off to the side and gave each other a quick kiss, then we walked out of the interview area. We gave the "thumbs up" sign to our friends who were still sitting in the waiting area, and a bunch of strangers clapped for us, and someone said "Yay! First approval of the day!!" - it was very sweet  |
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Good |