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Akrapovic's US Immigration Timeline

blank avatar   Petitioner's Name: Alicia
Beneficiary's Name: Marius
VJ Member: Akrapovic
Country: Germany

Last Updated: 2024-12-09
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Immigration Checklist for Alicia & Marius:

USCIS I-129F Petition:      
Dept of State K1 Visa:    
USCIS I-485 Petition:  
USCIS I-765 Petition:      
USCIS I-131 Petition:      
USCIS I-751 Petition:  
USCIS N-400 Petition:  

K1 Visa
Event Date
Service Center : California Service Center
Transferred? No
Consulate : Frankfurt, Germany
I-129F Sent : 2019-07-26
I-129F NOA1 : 2019-08-01
I-129F RFE(s) :
RFE Reply(s) :
I-129F NOA2 : 2019-10-31
NVC Received : 2019-11-18
Date Case #, IIN, and BIN assigned : 2019-11-20
NVC Left : 2019-12-10
Consulate Received : 2019-12-13
Packet 3 Received : 2020-01-02
Packet 3 Sent : 2020-01-09
Packet 4 Received : 2020-01-24
Interview Date : 2020-02-28
Interview Result : Approved
Second Interview
(If Required):
Second Interview Result:
Visa Received : 2020-03-05
US Entry : 2020-03-12
Marriage : 2020-03-16
Comments :
Estimates/Stats :
Your I-129f was approved in 91 days from your NOA1 date.

Your interview took 211 days from your I-129F NOA1 date.

Port of Entry Review
Event Date
Port of Entry : Detroit
POE Date : 2020-03-12
Got EAD Stamp :
Biometrics Taken : Yes
Harassment Level : 0
Comments : No issues.

Adjustment of Status
Event Date
CIS Office : Atlanta GA
Date Filed : 2020-05-11
NOA Date : 2020-05-15
RFE(s) :
Bio. Appt. : 2020-12-22
AOS Transfer** :
Interview Date : 2021-04-12
Approval / Denial Date : 2021-04-12
Approved : Yes
Got I551 Stamp : No
Greencard Received: 2021-04-17
Comments : Case was transferred to Montgomery, AL Field Office for interview.
We were separated for the interview but it was very relaxed and straight forward.
How did you meet?
How many siblings?
Names of parents?
Do you have children?
Did you have a wedding celebration and when is your wedding date.
No further evidence was requested.
Approved on the spot with status update after 20-30 minutes.

Employment Authorization Document
Event Date
CIS Office : Chicago National Office
Filing Method : Mail
Filing Instance : First
Date Filed : 2020-05-11
NOA Date : 2020-05-15
RFE(s) :
Bio. Appt. : 2020-12-22
Approved Date : 2021-03-01
Date Card Received : 2021-03-08
Comments : 02/12 Expedite requested
02/22 Request for evidence
02/22 Evidence faxed
03/01 "New Card Is Being Produced"
Combo Card received
Estimates/Stats :
Your EAD was approved in 294 days.

Advance Parole
Event Date
CIS Office : Chicago National Office
Filing Method :  
Filing Instance : First
Date Filed : 2020-05-11
NOA Date : 2020-05-15
RFE(s) :
Date Received : 2021-03-08
Comments : Combo Card received
Estimates/Stats :
Your AP was approved in 294 days.

Lifting Conditions
Event Date
CIS Office : Nebraska Service Center
Date Filed : 2023-01-23
NOA Date : 2023-01-25
RFE(s) :
Bio. Appt. :
Interview Date :
Approval / Denial Date : 2024-12-09
Approved : Yes
Got I551 Stamp :
Green Card Received :
Comments :

Member Reviews:

Consulate Review: Frankfurt, Germany
Review Topic: K1 Visa
Event Description
Review Date : March 1, 2020
Embassy Review : In general, the process at the embassy is pretty self-explanatory - you will know what to do if you listen and follow the directions from the people at the consular

I had my interview early in the morning and I was there 20 min before the appointment. First advice: During this time of the year, bring warm clothes because you will be waiting outside for a while before you get to go inside. I checked in with my passport + appointment confirmation and got a ticket with a number on it (keep this ticket on you). I was then asked to go to the next line (still outside) where I waited to enter the first building. This is the security check. (No phones - leave them at home/in the car!) After security, I walked to the main building.
In the main building, I went to the receptionist that told me to go directly to a booth. Notice that the main building is split into an "immigration" and "non immigration" area. For K1, everything happens in the immigration area. At the first booth a friendly man asked for my passport and my appointment confirmation. Everything checked out and he asked me to sit down and wait for my number to be called in the waiting area. After 5 minutes, I went to the second booth. A very nice lady informed me that all required documents had been received. She went through the addresses that I had provided and walked me through the process. She was very helpful and also asked me if I had any questions. She then told me that the next instance is the consular and the interview. It took around 40-60 minutes before it was my turn. After the interview, the consular told me that I had been approved and that my visa would arrive no later than 5-10 days.

Questions from the consular:
How did you meet?
Why did we decide to get married in the US vs Germany?
Have you or your fiancee been married before?
What educational background do you have?
What kind of work do you do at the moment?
Have you agreed to a job in the US?
Rating : Not Rated

Timeline Comments: 5

blank avatar Sara0101 on 2020-02-19 said:
Wir haben unser Interview am gleichen Tag! Schon aufgeregt?
Sparkle Sparkle on 2020-03-06 said:
You rated them 'very poor'
blank avatar Akrapovic on 2020-03-06 said:
War keine Absicht: Eigentlich habe ich überhaupt keine Bewertung eingetragen, aber Visajourney sieht das als 0 Sterne an.. Lässt sich aber net mehr korrigieren.
blank avatar Jöla on 2020-05-07 said:
It's amazing you were able to pull this off before the Corona ban hit us! Congrats on filing for AOS... I so wish I would have been able to file the I-129F a month earlier than I did. Your timing was perfect. Crossing my fingers your EAD gets processed without delays. :)
blank avatar Akrapovic on 2020-05-07 said:
Thanks, I hope that you can be with your loved one soon. In the meantime, I strongly advise anyone with spare time to prepare the AOS early. It requires a lot of evidence now. I had more than 30 pieces of evidence in total. Stay positive and keep going!
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*Notice about estimates: The estimates are based off averages of other members recent experiences
(documented in their timelines) for the same benefit/petition/application at the same filing location.
Individual results may vary as every case is not always 'average'. Past performance does not necessarily
predict future results. The 'as early as date' may change over time based on current reported processing
times from members. There have historically been cases where a benefit/petition/application processing
briefly slows down or stops and this can not be predicted. Use these dates as reference only and do not
rely on them for planning. As always you should check the USCIS processing times to see if your application
is past due.

** Not all cases are transfered

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