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jim&nay's US Immigration Timeline

blank avatar   Petitioner's Name: Jim Hughes
Beneficiary's Name: Nay Walsh
VJ Member: jim&nay
Country: United Kingdom

Last Updated: 2011-12-15
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Immigration Checklist for Jim Hughes & Nay Walsh:

USCIS I-129F Petition:      
Dept of State K1 Visa:    
USCIS I-485 Petition:  
USCIS I-765 Petition:      
USCIS I-131 Petition:      
USCIS I-751 Petition:  
USCIS N-400 Petition:  

K1 Visa
Event Date
Service Center : Vermont Service Center
Transferred? No
Consulate : London, United Kingdom
I-129F Sent : 2011-02-08
I-129F NOA1 : 2011-02-16
I-129F RFE(s) :
RFE Reply(s) :
I-129F NOA2 : 2011-06-27
NVC Received : 2011-07-06
Date Case #, IIN, and BIN assigned :
NVC Left : 2011-07-08
Consulate Received : 2011-07-11
Packet 3 Received : 2011-07-22
Packet 3 Sent : 2011-07-27
Packet 4 Received : 2011-08-15
Interview Date : 2011-09-23
Interview Result : Approved
Second Interview
(If Required):
Second Interview Result:
Visa Received : 2011-09-29
US Entry : 2011-10-03
Marriage :
Comments : NVC case receival 2011-07-06

The K1 guide says wait two weeks after your NOA2 confirmation before you contact the NVC. Dont!!! Call in a week, what do you have to loose. We called and they had processed it in 6 working days. Time to book a medical tomorrow....fingers crossed :-) - 21st July!!!! Quick get the police check in the post!

Medical went smoothly in London - my doctor was a bit "fresh" just examined me without explaination...e.g Im just going to feel your.... but no worries lie back and be good and she will approve you!!! :-)

Recieved my "packet 3" letter in the post, which wasnt really a packet, more a list of forms we needed to send which were:

DS-230 Part 1

of which needed the i_139 affidavit of support (financial information from petitioner), my police certificate and birth certificate (I sent colour copies), and proof for continual relationship. I cannot recommend enough that even whilst your waiting fo NOA2 - download these forms so you know exactly what you need. This saved us 2 weeks of faffing. We were expecting all of this, and so were super organised. so when Packet 3 came we sent it all off a few days later. :-)

What I havent read any where, is once you sent Packet 3 back to the embassy (London this is) - they take 2-4 weeks to process this. So I called the Embassy in London today after 5 days to check it was even recieved by them (and not lost in the post!) and the friendly guy said it doesnt even come up on their systems until it has been received and processed - within 2 - 4 weeks. So even though I had already done my medical before I sent packet 3, it will be at least 2 weeks from date of postage before I get an interview date. I found this out from calling the USA Embassy in London.

So Interview date awaits.....

SO two weeks and two days have passed, I have called and they have said that the system has been updated with my forms (which I assume mean they are all ok) and so now am waiting for an interview date. This is real torture :-( Also, we dont have a wedding planned (we do, symbolic ceremony in Mexico next summer, but quick jog to City Hall NYC for the legalities). Therefore I didnt put an anticipated wedding date on my DS 2001. So Im expecting a devistating 3month wait for interview, as I assume Ill go to the back of the pile and let others with planned wedding dates to go earlier. I should have lied and put a date!!! We shall seeee...come on England work overtime for me pleeeeeease!

I have one!!!! After my 2 week mark from sending packet 3, I called London everyday (from a work phone!!! £5 a pop if from my house landline) and my fiance also called the DOS everyday from New York. 2.5 weeks in, the DOS notified my fiance that the "case had been updated", meaning the medical and packet 3 had been processed. but no date yet. I Called london, they couldnt even give me that information! The next day, DOS gets another call, yes there is a date on the system, 23rd Sept!!! (6 weeks away) Great! Cant Believe it! I call London to confirm....no date on their system!!! Huh?!?!?! How can USA have that info if the date is set by London? V confused, a night of unknown follows, the next day I call London again, yes, date, 23rd Sept!!!!!! They say a letter will be sent within THREE WEEKS from the date the case was updated on the system (12th Aug)Therefore, dont wait for the letter!!!! You could have a date and be planning up to 3 weeks before a letter comes!

Also, staff at the London Embassy were not helpful at all, constantly telling me to wait for the letter every day, not informning me of the process of their system update (medical results go up first, then packet 3 process, then the case is updated, then few days later the date is generated).

SO I have to wait for the letter now, but I have resgined from work, adn I can start planning my departure!!! Yey!

Interview 23rd September 2011

So may appointment is at 9am at the Embassy, I sat in that blinking room till 1115 before my number was called!!! First lady, English, just went over paper work, second lady, American, asked me 3 normal questions, and said I was approved!

So each person you talk to gives you a different time scale and when you are to expect the package, ranging from 3 days to 10 days! So I sit and check my tracking number online every night! So close yet so far!!

Port of Entry
So I was told by the US Embassy in London that I had to line up as a visitor would at immigration and give them my paperwork, so I did as told. Immirgation still stamped my blue for and another white on that was given to my at check in in England (sorry dont know the code). Asked me when I was getting married, I said we didnt know we were just goign to city hall. He gave me back my medical CD and said he didnt need to even look at it. A couple of stamps later I was sent to the second passport office down the hall (this is all at JFK). Another seat, couple of clicks on a computer, NO QUESTIONS, and I was on my way!!!!! They just informed me I had to be married within the 90 days and asked me did I know what to do after I am married and I said yes. I was on my way!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It was so quick the other half wasnt even on the other side waiting for me!!!

But im here, finally!!! xxxxxxx
Estimates/Stats :
Your I-129f was approved in 131 days from your NOA1 date.

Your interview took 219 days from your I-129F NOA1 date.

Adjustment of Status
Event Date
CIS Office : New York City NY
Date Filed : 2011-11-04
NOA Date : 2011-11-30
RFE(s) :
Bio. Appt. : 2011-12-15
AOS Transfer** :
Interview Date :
Approval / Denial Date :
Approved :
Got I551 Stamp :
Greencard Received:
Comments :

Employment Authorization Document
Event Date
CIS Office : Chicago National Office
Filing Method : Mail
Filing Instance : First
Date Filed : 2011-11-04
NOA Date : 2011-11-30
RFE(s) :
Bio. Appt. : 2011-12-15
Approved Date :
Date Card Received :
Comments :
Estimates/Stats :
There are not enough recent approvals in the timeline system to accurately approximate when your EAD will be approved.

Advance Parole
Event Date
CIS Office : Chicago National Office
Filing Method :  
Filing Instance : First
Date Filed : 2011-11-04
NOA Date : 2011-11-30
RFE(s) :
Date Received :
Comments :
Estimates/Stats :
There are not enough recent approvals in the timeline system to accurately approximate when your AP will be approved.

Member Reviews:

Consulate Review: London, United Kingdom
Review Topic: K1 Visa
Event Description
Review Date : September 27, 2011
Embassy Review : Appointment was at 9am, I got there at 8.15 and waiting 3 hours until my number was called. Was torture. But English Lady was very thorough with paperwork and explanation of of processes during and after POE. Question asked my American:
Where did you met?
What does he do?
What do you do?
Rating : Moderate

Timeline Comments: None yet, be the first!

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*Notice about estimates: The estimates are based off averages of other members recent experiences
(documented in their timelines) for the same benefit/petition/application at the same filing location.
Individual results may vary as every case is not always 'average'. Past performance does not necessarily
predict future results. The 'as early as date' may change over time based on current reported processing
times from members. There have historically been cases where a benefit/petition/application processing
briefly slows down or stops and this can not be predicted. Use these dates as reference only and do not
rely on them for planning. As always you should check the USCIS processing times to see if your application
is past due.

** Not all cases are transfered

vjTimeline ver 5.0

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