Difficulty: | Review Topic: Port of Entry Review
As I was waiting in line, an IO noticed the brown envelope and walked me out of the line directly to one of the officers' booths. While walking he opened the envelope, handed me its content and guided me which line to join (the one that you have a couple of people in front of you before you see the officer). When the officer called 'Next', I approached and handed him my passport and paperwork. First he dismissed me wife (USC) and then shouted "ESCORT". He asked me "how come this is open?" I freaked out but tried to explain that an officer opened it. He then asked me who but I turned around they all looked the same blended in the crowd. Another officer came by, they exchanged information about me, saying that I claim someone else opened the envelope). I was then escorted to a side room where I was told to wait. After 5 minutes I was called to the stand, was asked to sign, and that was it. I was on my way. All in all, okay. But I missed a heart beat there with the opened envelope and uncertainty how this would be handled. javascript:emoticon('')