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Port of Entry Member Review #14785

JFK Entry Date: 2010-02-23


Review Topic: Port of Entry Review

I arrived into JFK at lunchtime. I had arranged my connecting flight to Richmond for 6 hours later so as not to risk missing it if the process was drawn out. However, I was through within the hour. The queue was pretty short because our flight was half empty.

The officer at the desk made a remark about it being nice to see someone who wasn't from a Third World country. He didn't exactly sound mean, but it was an odd comment. I wanted to point out that they would probably appreciate living in the US more than I would, but didn't want to antagonise him so remained silent.

He glanced over my paperwork then took me into another room, leaving my suitcase outside. There I sat and waited for a while. (Quite a while.) Several officials were wandering around, but I guess there was only person who was working lol. She was dealing with two other people who were visiting, additional questioning or something. Eventually she called me over to the desk and took my inky fingerprints. Then I was good to go.

It was a while ago so my memory of more details is vague. However it was a pretty straightforward experience. I think I had expected a bit more interrogation.

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