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Port of Entry Member Review #14075

Miami Entry Date: 2008-07-04



Review Topic: Port of Entry Review

i took spirit and arrived to Ft. Lauderdale about 6 am local time. I used to travel on Continental before, this time the first inmigration row took much much long than in Houston. i think because this is a much smaller airport.
after more than 1.5 hrs on the row it was my turn with the inmigration officer. I asked if they need the envelope, she asked what is that? (obviously she didint see my visa yet) i said it is the documentation attached to my K1 visa. she said... ooohhh you are getting married.. when? i said 26th of july.

that was all the questions they asked.... NOTHING ELSE.

then she asked me to go to a little room, there was at least 10 other people all with some kind of problem like lost documents and even i guy with a police record. i think there was somebody else comming on a K1. after waiting almost 45 minutes a guy called me, told me that if i dont get married i have to go back to my country before the K1 visa expires, give my passport back and that was all!

in total i was there 2 and a half hours aprox. i dont like to wait but i wont complain about that too much.

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