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Consulate / USCIS Member Review #9794

United Arab Emirates Review on June 7, 2012:

Atlanta Desi Guy

Atlanta Desi Guy

Review Topic: K1 Visa


Miss K had her K-1 interview scheduled for May 29th, 2012 at 8:00 AM. Since Abu Dhabi Embassy permits USC's to enter along with the petitioner I decided on flying down for the interview (this is not a requirement but I personally feel that it helps reinforce Bona Fied relationship).

One day prior on the May 28th we headed to Abu Dhabi from Dubai & checked into a hotel close to the embassy, that very same day we decided to take a cab & go see the Embassy so that next day morning there weren't any confusion - I would recommend this for anyone who is not very familiar with this area.

We reached there at 6:40 AM & though that we would be first in line but to our surprise there were already several people seated on the benches. Ok so there are 2 rows of benches - one of the left which is for Non-Immigrant Visa's (which is where K-1 petitioners need to be seated) & then one on the right which is for Immigrant Visas. As soon as we sat on the bench (Non-Immigrant Side) a security guard came over & asked for Miss K appointment letter - I believe they are just wanting to make sure that we do have an appointment, he then asked us to wait & mentioned that closer to our appointment time someone else from Embassy will come & check the documentation / passport etc.

At 7:15 AM a gentleman who worked for the US Embassy came & started to check the appointment letters - everyone who had the 8:00 AM appointment were asked to stand in line at the entrance. We were 3rd in line to enter (this is the security area where they were letting 2 people in at a time). Security is similar to Airport security where they ask you to take out everything from your pockets / belts etc. They will ask you to switch off cell phones & hand it over to them - only thing they will permitted are your documents (if its in a folder that will be fine), everything electronic stays at the security station (small drawers for which they provide a token number to be collected during exit). Avoid carrying large bags as they do not have room to keep those items, there were a few people who they asked to go put the large women bags in their car. Security must have taken about 5 - 7 minutes & then both of us were asked wait & sit along with others in a big room connected to the security station. Then at 7:35 AM security asked all of us to start moving towards main building where everything is processed.

Miss K & I were 3rd to enter & were given a Token Number # 003 (they asked us to sit down & wait). All the counters at this time were empty but right at 8:00 AM officers came at the counters & numbers started beeping on a big digital box which indicated the Toke # & counter they need to go. Our number came up & showed counter # 7. It was a lady who was very pleasant asked Miss K for all the documents (we had everything ready & organized - few clips to hold documents together but not too excessive). Documents which were submitted

DS-230 (pre-signed right after point # 35, page 2 of 4)
DS-156 - 2 copies (pre-signed point # 41, page 2 of 2)
DS-156K (attached following documents - Original Birth Cetrificate + 1 copy, I-134, Salary Letter, Last 3 months Pay Stubs, current bank statements, IRS Tax Transcripts, Original Police Clearance Certificates - Dubai & India)

3 Passport Photos in a small envelope which was attached at the top of all forms

I personally feel that having all the paperwork neatly arranged in a set right before you go to the counter helps out Big time as these officers do not have a lot of time / patience. When Miss K submitted just one big package she had a smile & could make out that she was happy. The officer glanced through it quickly & asked us to go take a seat - "someone would be checking everything & we will call you back".

After about 10 minutes of waiting our token number came up again & this time it was counter # 9 where another officer took the Finger Prints 4 fingers (right hand then left hand) & 2 thumbs together. Once done with finger prints she returned the Original Birth Certificate & gave a receipt for us to make payment at the cashier (cashier is the very first counter). Once payment was made we were asked to take a seat again.

We had to wait for 20 minutes before our token number came up again & now it was counter # 5 where we saw a American CO (I the USC tagged along with her at the counter because I wanted the CO to see my face & was hopeful that even though I'm not the one being interviewed it just helps a little more to prove our relationship). I stayed 2 steps back & was almost certain that she would ask me to take a seat but that didn't happen & she started interviewing Miss K. She asked her to raise her Right hand & swear. Questions which were asked during the interview

How long has your Fiance been in the US?
When did you first meet & tell me something about it?
Where in US does your fiance live?
What does your fiance do for a living, what is his position?
Have you ever been to the US?
Do you have any relatives in the US?
Is this the 1st marriage for both of you?
How long have you lived in Dubai?
Does your fiance have any siblings?

There weren't any trick questions - all the questions were very easy, straight forward. What I found interesting was the whole time CO was asking Miss K questions not once did she look at her, she was just reviewing all the documents. Then we saw the CO reached for the PINK SLIP which asked us to come back after a week on June 6th at 1:30 PM. She had a smile on her face which told us that Miss K had passes & would be getting the visa. I just wanted reassurance so I asked the CO is she was fine & she smiled back said everything was good.

We were happy & headed out of the Embassy that's when we noticed CO never took the passport. Both of us panicked as we were already out, we went back to the officer who initially let us in but said that he couldn't as its against policy. He asked us to come back that afternoon & he would let Miss K in so she could talk to the CO. At 1:30 PM that day Miss K entered the embassy again - she was in there for almost 1.45 hours (apparently it was lunch hour & counters were closed). She had received a token # but nothing was moving. Finally she went up to one of the counters & luckily saw one of the officers who had initially processed her paperwork - Miss K explained what had happened, she was very understanding & apologetic took the passport.

On June 5th Miss K went back to the Embassy to collect the passport, her pick up was for 1:30 PM it took her about 45 minutes (again because of lunch the counters were closed). Counters opened at 2:00 PM & her token number flashed - luckily it was the same officer who took her passport a week prior, just asked her what nationality, how many passports, did the passport belong to her - she took the Pink Slip & returned the passport along with the K-1 Visa. The embassy stops operating at 3:00 PM everyday.

I hope this review was helpful. One thing which I recommend is even after the interview is done just sit inside the embassy for 5 minutes - recap everything that happened, make sure that you have all the necessary paperwork & that the CO has all the necessary paperwork, because once you are out of the embassy its very very hard to get back in. Also get to the Embassy early because like what happened to us at 7:15 AM producers started & you ideally want to be among the first few in line.

Overall Abu Dhabi Embassy seems like a very very busy embassy, at the time of our interview there were so many people who were there for different visas - I almost couldn't believe it as there was barely any seats unoccupied (close to 70 people).

Good Luck Everyone.

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