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Consulate / USCIS Member Review #964

London, United Kingdom Review on October 25, 2006:



Review Topic: K1 Visa

Alright, so my appointment was at 9:30 am. I stayed in London with my cousin so I get there with ease in the morning. My cousin and I left his house at 8:30 and walked to the embassy. However, as is always the way when walking around london with my cousin, we got lost. So we ended up arriving at the embassy at 9:10 after some very brisk walking. There was an immigration man there and 2 lines. I went up to him and he asked me what time my appointment was and then told me to join the left line, which was shorter. So I did, time past and the right line got shorter and shorter and the line I was in got longer and longer. Then at around 9:40 I heard the people around me talking about how they were glad that they had got there early for their 10/10:30 appointments. By this time an immigration lady was walking up and down the line so I asked her where those who had 9:30 appointments were supposed to go....and she pointed to the right hand line, which was now only a couple of people. so for the past half an hour I had been in the wrong line... Oh well. So I switched lines and then was let in very soon afterwards. The man outside just looked at my passport, joked around a bit as he was a very jovial man, checked my appointment in his book and then let me through.

Next was security check, just like an airport. Then I followed the signs that said 'visas' and entered the building. The man at the desk looked at my appointment letter and then I went up the stairs. Both immigrant and non-immigrant visas go to the same room. The first lady I saw asked me whether I was immigrant or non-immigrant and then printed me out a number (017) and then I took a seat.

The whole time I was there there were only 18 immigrant visas and over 400 non-immigrant visas and I was there pretty early in the morning! Anyway, on the screen it had a section for immigrant visas and non-immigrant visas. When I sat down, around 9:55, number 012 of the immigrant visas was called to a window. Then about half an hour later, 013, 014 and 015 were called up. I was called to window 13 at about 10:50, so about an hour after I arrived. I saw a british man who was very nice. He asked for my passport, appointment letter, anhd proof of payment of the visa fee and then went and got my file. He came back and opened up my file and looked through all my stuff, gave me back my xray which was a massive folder and inputed some stuff into the computer and asked for my two visa photos which i handed over. Then I signed some forms. He then took my finger prints and He then asked for my police certificate and copy, birth certificate and copy, my fiance's affidavit with all the evidence I had and a copy, and my co-sponsor's affidavit all the evidence and copys. He didn't ask for any evidence in particular I just gave him what I had. I also had tax transcripts which I didn't give him and he didn't ask for. After I handed all the stuff over he handed me back the originals of my affidavits and then handed me the courier form to fill out and I went back and sat down.

I sat back down at about 11:10 and then was called back up at about 11:45 to window 16. I was greeted by a very nice American lady who asked me to verify my identification by taking my left hand finger prints again. She then said "we will have a look at all your pictures". what pictures i asked. she replied the pictures from poe. she had all the pictures on her screen that had been taken of me at immigration when i had entered the U.S, i was so embarrased! all those times you come off a plane tired and grumpy and are met by an equally grumpy CBP officer and then take your finger prints and picture and then on the day when you want to impress immigration they can look at them all. She thought it was funny, just said that i looked grumpy in some of them and just joked with me. she was very nice. She then had me raise my right hand and swear an oath that what i said was the truth etc. The questions i was asked were where did you meet? what do you have in common? and how did he propose? She was very intrigued about the proposal and wanted all the details. she said that my fiance's proposal was very original and she would have to write it down because she was making a list. she was very nice and made me feel very at ease and then she said "i am pleased to say that i am approving you and congratulations. i hope u have a very nice life!" i was soo excited!!! She explained to me that the courier would bring my passport and my brown packet and that the brown packet just contained all my paperwork and that i definitley shouldnt open it and that i had to have both of them to enter at poe. I then went over to the courier desk and paid my £13.50. the lady there asked if i had already had my medical and if i have my x-ray and i said yes so she said that my visa should be with me in 48 hours! so we will see! All in all everyone was very nice, it took 2 hours once i got inside. My advice would be double check which line u are supposed to be in when ur outside!! but definitley less nerve wracking than i thought it would be.

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