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Consulate / USCIS Member Review #9458

Peru Review on April 11, 2012:

Al and Patricia

Review Topic: K1 Visa

Gee, where to start? I guess I will start on Friday a full 3 days before the interview. I had been in Lima for a few days and we decided to go over all the documents to make sure that all was prepared properly. We ( fiancee and myself) decided that we needed to clarify some of the info on 1 of the forms so Saturday, we went to a near-by internet cafe and filled out the form online and then printed it in duplicate. We had duplicates for all the needed forms now.
On Sunday we checked everything again and made sure the alarm on 2 clocks were set to go off on Monday at 6AM for our 8:45 interview. We stay in an apartment in Miraflores and wanted to make sure we had enough time to get a shower and a bite to eat and to be at the embassy around 7:30. We placed the briefcase with all the documents on the table so as not to forget it. Of course, neither of us slept much this night and I woke up around 4AM and I think Patricia slept only off and on all night.We had NO problem getting out of the apartment at 7 and arriving at the embassy around 7:25 nd saw about 50-60 people already there. After waiting in line about 10 minutes Patricia overheard someone say something about the medical envelope, it is at this time she realized that we had forgotten the envelope at the apartment. NOW, we are in a panic. It was left in a closet with the clothes we would wear to the embassy so as not to forget and as you can guess, we FORGOT and the bad part, we didn't even notice this big white envelop in the closet next to both of our clothes. After finding a world class taxi driver he managed to get us to the apartment and back in just a little over an hour in rush hour, God bless him!! We entered the embassy a little after 8:45 and waited for 15 minutes or so and was called to window 12 and gave all documents and medical envelope to the charming lady and then was told to go to window 14 to pay for the visa fee of $350. After about 30 minutes, we were called back to window 12 and Patricia was asked a few questions and then told to wait. After about a 2 hour wait, her name was called to door 15, this was for the interview. The man there was young and in good spirits, we chit chatted a litle, then he swore Patricia in, he asked her how we met and how long ago. He asked her if she was ever married and ever in the USA, more chit chat and questions about when and where I proposed and how I proposed, after this he said, you are approved and we both let out a big sigh and hugged each other. We were told the visa should be finalized at the embassy today and sent out by DHL to Callao ( main DHL office in Lima) then sent out to the office we chose for pick-up and was told that it should be there in 7-8 days. I am hoping to have my love here with me by next Thursday if all goes well. All in all, it was a rather emotional day but the experience at the embassy was very positive. If anyone needs some info or moral support, I am happy to help.

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