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Consulate / USCIS Member Review #8873

Korea Review on December 14, 2011:



Review Topic: K1 Visa

As soon as I applied for an interview date, they emailed me back in a few hours and set up a date for a few days later. But I had to reschedule due to work schedule conflict so I ended up going to my interview a month or so later. The rescheduling was done by email and I had no problems with changing the interview date.

I was very nervous for my interview but had a positive experience. I got there a 15min earlier than stated. They asked for my appointment letter and passport outside at the window before I was admitted inside. As soon as I got inside, I had to surrender and electronic devices such as my ipod and cell phone. I put all the contents into a basket and was given a number card for my basket.

Went up to the second(maybe third) floor and took a seat, waiting impatiently for my name to be called. When they finally did, I handed the lady the required documents. She quickly and very professionally looked over the entire packet removing any unnecessary papers. She did scare me a few times because she couldn't find some of the papers such as my bank receipt for MRV payment, but eventually did. She put a little sticky note on my police certificate and told me to take a seat. (DId all this in Korean btw)

Again, impatient waiting then I was called up for my interview. An American officer with blonde hair asked me a few questions:
1) What is your fiance's full name?
2) How did you meet?
3) Who did you meet him through?
4) What do you plan on doing once you're in the US?
5) Why do you speak English so well? lol
Basically, they ask you more questions if you give vague answers which for 2) I said, "I met him though my sister". Which led to question 3) and so forth.

He then told me that my police certificate needed All Expunged Records as well and needed me to obtain another copy and send it through mail.

I left the consulate office thinking it would take forever and a little annoyed; but called my dad and we got everything done and sent within a few days (Anyone going through this problem, don't forget to send your passport along with any other required documents). My visa came by curior about a week or so later and finally I was JUMPING FOR JOY!

Overall, I had quite a positive experience at the consulate office. The interviewer was very nice.... I think he was just happy to speak to someone in Korea that speaks fluent English because I was surprised he was joking around and asking me about my english.

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