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Consulate / USCIS Member Review #8667

Detroit MI Review on November 8, 2011:


Review Topic: Adjustment of Status

Interview was scheduled for today, 11/7. My husband and I were there about a half hour early, got through security (person in front of me brought a backpack in and held every one up, don't ever do this, you're going for an interview or biometrics, not for a campout in the parking lot!) and went to Check-in desk, lady was very nice and pointed us to the correct check-in desk at counter 8. Again, very nice lady, she marked us off, scanned the interview notice and let me know that the interviewer was with an earlier appointment and to sit down as he would call my name at a door that lead to the offices.

Waited for about 20 minutes, watched as the other couples and families were very efficiently brought into the inner sanctum. As I said, after 20 minutes my name was called and we both went through to his office. He told us to sit and relax, that there was no need to be nervous (which actually worked!) and I could see our file on his desk, our marriage invite on top. He confirmed my husband's name, date of birth and where he grew up. Then confirmed my maiden name, my parent's first names and birthday. Then, he confirmed the year that we met each other, the date I entered the country and the date that we were married. Asked for a photocopy of our marriage certificate which I gave him.

Then he advised us that our case was very straightforward and that he was approving it that day! Asked if we had moved, which we had and I gave him a copy of our apartment lease and he told me that he would update it in the system, and to expect my green card within the next 2 weeks. (Confirmed later at home online that he had definitely approved it and the case is now at card printing). At the end, he joked a little and told us not to take a wrong turn and take the tunnel to Canada as I have to wait for the green card to leave the country and get back into it successfully. We shook hands, he led us out and I left with a huge smile on my face!

Everyone was very helpful, nice and well organised. Very happy with the experience!

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