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Consulate / USCIS Member Review #8491

Naples, Italy Review on October 12, 2011:


Review Topic: K1 Visa

Here is my fiance, Fabrizio, described to me about his experience in Naples

First of all, Fabrizio recommends to use the taxis to get around Naples, but you might want to negotiate on the prices. They are pretty cheap and they will get you anywhere you want to go. He also recommends to watch out for the cars when you are walking because they don't pay much attention to red lights...
Fabrizio stayed at Napul'è bed and breakfast at 92 Riviera di Chiaia and it worked out well and it is close to the consulate and reasonable priced. The rooms are restored and have air conditioning, bathroom, tv, and internet (which was great because we were able to skype). He said it is a really old building without a sign, but just look for the 92 on the outside.

Day 1
My fiance was the first to show up at the medical and you wait on the yellow chairs. Other people started showing up after a little while (he said there were about 10 other people) and they first called him in to draw blood. Then he was sent out to wait on the yellow chairs again. He was then called in so the doctor could go over his vaccines (he didn't need any) and then he had to pay 160 euros for the exam. Then he played the waiting game again on the yellow chairs. The next time he was called a doctor examined him (height, weight, etc...) and then he went and got the chest x-rays done. He said there were a lot of doctors there, and didn't take as long as he expected. He said it took less than an hour and a half to have everything done.

Then at 2 o'clock he went to the consulate for fingerprinting.

Day 2
If you arrive early and there aren't any problematic cases ahead of you in line, you can get out of there quickly... Fabrizio was finished and texting me that we got the visa at 9:15 in the morning italy time.
Fabrizio says that it is very important to remember to turn in your passport to the guard right away when you get to the consulate, because this determines the order you will be called. The guard shows up around 7:30 to start collecting passports. Then you wait more and the guard calls you from an intercom (which he said was difficult to hear...) and you give them your cell phone and they tell you to go up to the second floor. When you get there they give you your number and you wait. You will be in the same room that the fingerprinting was done in.
After a little while you will be called up to the window and the woman will ask for your documents (two copies of DS-156, 2 photos, DS-156K, DS-230 part I and II, Birth certificate, I-134 with all of the supporting documents, and both police certificates) Make sure that you have both casellario giudiziale and certificato dei carichi pendenti. Many people forget the certificato dei carichi pendenti...
Then you sit back down and wait for the consul. Fabrizio said the consul was a lot younger than he expected. Before you get called, you can see the consul studying your file, so it is easy to guess when it will be your turn. Don't expect a private conversation for the interview... you will be in front of everyone else there when you have your interview. The consul has you swear that all of your information is true. Then, if there are no problems on your documents, you have a really easy conversation with the consul. If there are any suspicious things on your forms he will ask you about them...

Fabrizio said the consul was more pleasant if you speak in english with him (although he was still nice in Italian) ... Fabrizio said his italian wasn't the best. But overall, it was easy to speak to him because it was basically just a chat.

The questions the consul asked Fabrizio were:
Where did you and your fiancee meet?
What is your job?

Then, if everything has gone well, the consul will tell you when your visa will be ready (5 o'clock). Some visas are ready, some are not and they will be shipped to you and should arrive in a week. If you have to have the visa shipped, it costs 25 euros, if it is ready you only pay 7 euros. Obviously, don't open the yellow package that says "Do not open" and make sure to keep your medical results because you must bring them with you at POE.

Most of the other people there were couples who were already married, there two other people who were there for the K-1 visa. One of them did not have the second police certificate and was rejected.

Hope this is helpful!
The only other thing is to make sure to eat a pizza while you're in Naples!

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