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Consulate / USCIS Member Review #8469

Laos Review on October 6, 2011:


Review Topic: K1 Visa

- Interview:
He had a Hmong interpreter. There were two CO there that day, a female and a male. He said the male CO is friendly and only asked like 4 questions then either approves or request for more stuff or denies. the female CO (the one he had) isn't as friendly and asks a lot of questions. He was asked 14 questions and was able to answer 13 of them. The CO also kept asking him if we were introduced to each other, implying that we weren't legit. We weren't denied or approved but got a 221(g), requesting for more information. After which we would be given a decision or possibly put on adminitrated processing.

He also said there were two other K1 there that day and they didn't get approved right away either. One needed police certificate and the other had to have her petitioner rewrite a more detail explanation to how they met.

- Quesitons from Interview:
Where I work
When we meet
Where meet
With whom when met
What do I do in America
What do I do on my free time
Who I live with
When did we get engaged
Are our parents related (my mom and him has the same last name)
Who introduced us
Does he have relatives in America and their addresses
What school did I go to (he didn't know this one)
Where do I work
Was I taken to his house to see his house and family

*questions ask to the other two K1*
What will you do during the summer in America
How old is your fiance
What are the ages and name of your fiance’s kids

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