Chennai, India | Review on October 1, 2011: | sesa

Rating: | Review Topic: IR-1/CR-1 Visa
Reached one day before the interview, stayed in a good hotel at T Nagar. That morning it was raining heavily, but fortunately the rain stopped by 10 AM. So me and my hubby started at 11:45 AM from the hotel and reached at 12:10 near the consulate gate. I was with my hubby, but wasn't allowed to go inside by the security folks. So I waited outside. As all the IV interview were scheduled at 1 PM, they will only allow to stand on queue only at 12:30. But it is always safe to reach early, that's why we reached at 12:00. So we waited half an hour outside and then at 12:30 the queue for IV Visa has started and there were around 15-20 candidates for the IV interview. Then security guys asked to keep the passport and interview letter ready. At 12:50 PM my hubby's turn came and he handed over the interview letter and passport to the lady in the security window, the lady gave him his token. This token was used for all the different interview process till the interview gets over. Then he was put into security checks. Pleasee do not carry any cell ph, CDs etc. He went inside after security check. At the first couner, another check will be done for all papers, enveopes, wallet. Then he was allowed to go to another building where actual interview will happen.
He went to that building, one person asked all the applicants to hand over the interview leter and he was also verifying about the passport size photographs if they are within 6 months or not. After waiting 15 mins his token number was displayed and he went to window 16 where one Indian lady interviewed her. Below is the conversation with the Indian lady(Pre-screening):
Who is sponsing you?
Answer: My wife
What is your wife's name?
Answer: My hubby told my name
What are you doing?
Answer: Working as xxx in yyy company
Is this the first marriage for both of you?
Answer: Yes
Give me your medical report and your passport
Handed over the medical report and passport. Took the report and returned the chest x-ray.
Have you paid the courier fees at VFS?
Answer: Yes, Here is the receipt. She told its alright. She did not take the receipt.
How did you meet each other?
Answer: It was an arranged marriage. So our first meeting was arranged by her maternal uncle. So we met at her uncle's house in presence of my parents, her mother and all the member of her uncle's family.
Can you please show me some marriage pictures?
Answer: Showed the wedding album through
Is your wife's parent related to your father?
No. This question comes to her mind as my surname and my husband's surname are same and we all belong to same district.
Thats it. She asked to sign the DS-230 part II and told to wait. The waiting period started now. He waited around 45 mins. Then one window was opened where the finger prints were taken by another lady. Then my hubby waited around 10 mins. His token number was displayed for the final interview by American CO. He was the second person to be interviewed on that day. The questions asked by the American lady are below:
Good afternoon.
She also replied the same
CO: Can we continue the interview in English?
Answer: Yes. (They provide translators to those applicants who opt to take their interview in regional language)
CO: How did you meet?
Answer: It was an arranged marriage. The meeting was arranged by her maternal uncle at their uncle's house in presence of all family members.
CO: When and where you had your engagement?
Answer: Told the exact date and place.
CO: Can you show some pics of your marriage?
Answer: The wedding album was too big to go inside the window. So she asked to show from outside and saw around 20 pics.
CO: What does your wife do for living?
Answer: She works as a XXX in YYY company.
CO: How long she is been US?
Answer: XXX yrs
CO: When did your wife get naturalized?
Answer: On XX month YYYY year
CO: How did she go to US?
Answer: With her parents
CO: How did her parents go to US?
Answer: Explained in detail
CO: How often you guys communicate with each other?
Answer: We speak more than one hour daily with MagicJack, Skype, Telephone. Can I show the print out of our chat logs. She said, no, its ok.
CO: Thats it. Returned all the original civil documents(Marriage and Birth certificate) then told You will receive your passport within a week.
My husband thanked her and left the window. So he was done with the interview in 10 mins. The CO was very nice lady.He was out of the consulate in 2 hours.
Then my hubby came out of consulate gate with a big smile in his face and I understood that we are approved. Thanks to Lord. Then we sent the SMS to VISA US Passport no to 57333. But it wan't ready. Still we went to VFS office and inqiured about it. But they told once it is ready they will send the SMS and can be collected otherwise they will send by courier. We got SMS next day that your passport is ready to be picked up or we will send it by courier. But we came back from chennai on that day. So waiting for the passport to be received by courier.
So finally we were done with the whole process. It would not have possible without the help of VJers. A big big thank to VJ Family. We are so happy to be a part of a this great forum.
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