New Delhi, India | Review on July 23, 2011: | RCG

Rating: | Review Topic: K1 Visa
1st interview was bad for my fiance. He was only asked a few questions then told he was ineligible - and his passport was kept. He wasn't even given a slip or reason and how to overcome the ineligibility. Questions asked were- "who is your fiance?" "where does she work?" He had the Asian guy. He had about 200 pages of evidence but it wasn't looked at. Reason for denial on letter was "only met 1 time over a year ago". I am thinking if you're not following indian marriage practices then u definitely need to make sure you meet several times.
we were later told by people with experience, if you the USC has 3 weeks of vacation for a year. take 3 one week trips to india versus going 1 time for 3 weeks. This will work in your favor instead of making only 1 trip. try to go to india and spent lots of time together if you met online.
We sent letter to my senator which was 5 pages, and the embassy changed our denial and gave us a 2nd interview..was so happy!
I arrived in Delhi for our 2nd interview which was a walkin. We brought 2000 docs - affidavits from both sides of family/friends, tons of emails, chats, wedding plans, and pics. None of the docs we brought were looked at. We had white american guy who was initially was friendly with us. He said we had a unique situation and asked how we met. we asked us questions together but would give a question to one of us. he asked each of us, 'what did ur fiance's bharatmatrimony profile state?" so glad my honey has a great memory about the profile. i was able to remember and give an acceptable answer too. he asked me the USC, "so you agreed to marry your fiance without meeting him. why?" i explained my history of indian friends and seeing their arranged marriages turn out well, and how i saw my honey had great character and all the qualities i wanted but christianity. CO asked who proposed? my honey misunderstood one of the questions and CO got superagressive on him, but honey was finally able to answer question correctly. (we later realized it was a miscommunication issue). then the CO questioned us so much on our christian faith. He asked my honey, if he converted and why? if he was attending church..then he asked my fiance about his family and his sister surprisingly, if she was married. my honey explained about his sister's marriage. the CO asked how many people were present at her wedding strangely.
then we were approved. no docs looked at. and was told we would get the visa in a week which is what happened...longest week ever!!!!!
i think for interracial couples its best if the USC is present.
have indian fiance/ee study how american English is spoken and drill Indian fiance on questions..help them to understand how english is understood. My honey is super fluent in English but still had that 1 misunderstanding.
we are an interracial couple and I am 7 yrs older. His mother approved, but not his dad - he still doesn't know yet cuz my honey realizes he won't ever approve of our relationship. my honey also converted his faith for me too. we did not have the indian engagement ceremony or ring as well.
so happy we were able to overcome the trials only thru our faith in Jesus. So happy for the approval and we are looking forward to a wonderful life together!!! :-D
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