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Consulate / USCIS Member Review #7833

Vancouver, Canada Review on June 27, 2011:


Review Topic: K1 Visa

First off, I'd just like to say that I was pleasantly surprised by the whole process and there was NOTHING to be worried about! I was soooo nervous, because that's just the type of person I am...I get so nervous in new situations lol, but there was no need - it was an awesome experience!!

My appointment was scheduled for 10 am. I planned on being at the consulate that morning for at least 9:15/9:30, but traffic ended up being better than I anticipated so I actually arrived by 9 am lol.

When I turned the corner and headed toward the building I saw loads of people...randomly dispersed and some in formal lines. I walked up and saw that there was a sign that said, '9:00 am Appointments' and people standing behind this sign. I got in the line and the lady that was in front of me asked, "What time is your appointment?" I told her 10 am. She then told me that this was the 9 am line and that they haven't even got through the 8:30 appointments yet! I was surprised because I hadn't really known what to expect. So anyone with 10 am appointments had to stand off to the side and wait for the 10 am sign to be put up. This took at least 20 minutes. The weather was on the brink of rain and there isn't much cover, so I would definitely recommend coming prepared for ANY type of weather! It was chilly too and I had just a thin jacket, so I wished I brought something warmer.

By the 20 minutes was up, they put the 10 am sign up and all us with 10 am appointments started to line up. I was about 4th in line. An official comes through the line and asks for your name to confirm you have an appointment for that time. Then they ask you to take out your passports and have them ready. As the official worked through the line, she bunched all the K-1 visa appointments at 10 am together in the line. It was me and two other girls only. They asked all three of us to put our medical exam result envelopes inside our passport to have them ready. Then they moved us three up farther in the line, ahead of some people. You could tell other people were confused by this, but us three were thankful!

It wasn't bad waiting in line, we probably waited in line for about another 30 minutes. While we waited, the three of us chatted about each of our individual experiences through the whole visa process. It was actually really fun to talk to people in-person about exactly what you've personally been going through! I'd recommend, if they get you all to line up together, to take advantage of sharing stories, it truly does ease your nerves!

I was asked to go inside first out of the three of us. As soon as you go through the doors you are asked to give security your purse, your medical records, and passport. This security process is similar to airport security except the security guards I had were super friendly, smiled and looked like they genuinely were willing to make the process easier on the individual.

After security look over everything, they put your belongings in this wooden box and ask you to step through the detector.
Oh and p.s.: I had a bottle of water with me, they just asked me to take a sip from it and I was allowed to bring it with me. But I wouldn't recommend bringing any type of food with you.
Then you go up a few stairs and are asked to wait there. The other two did the same process as me, and then another security guard from up some more stairs came down and took us three up together.

We are then taken to an area where you give them your purse and they scan it through this machine, then you show them your passport again, then they get you to line up right in front of the elevator doors. At this point I glanced at the clock it was 10:35 am. Then you wait for probably another 5 minutes til the elevator gets there. The guard instructs you to go in and depending on how many people are there with you, they cram you in lol. You go up about 20 floors. Then you step through another detector machine and are told to go to your left. Because I was a K-1 I was told to go directly to a wicket. I went to the wicket and a nice man asked me for my Packet 3 and passport. He then makes friendly casual conversation while he goes through your documents. He checks off the items on his own checklist. He was all smiles and super nice. Then he said that everything looked excellent and asked me sit down til he called me again. The other two did the same and we all sat together and shared pictures from our 'proof of on-going relationship package'. We waited about another 10 minutes.

Then I was called again to the same wicket. The man gave me a number and said that my interview will be in about 5 minutes. This is when I started to get really nervous and no small chat with the two others were helping, so I got really quite and started thinking about what they might ask me. Then my number was called and I went to a different wicket. As I walked up to the window I was greeted by a man, who said, "Well going to the chapel, are we?!" from behind glass in a really loud, jolly voice lol. I was right away set at ease lol. He put my huge file down in front of him and started going through some of the documents. I was told to do the finger prints, which was easy, no ink all electronic lol. I was expecting ink, but I guess times have changed lol.
Then he said he'd be right back. I waited for a minute then the same man came back. He then proceeded to explain how the next few minutes will go - a short friendly discourse, he said. He then asked me questions.

1. What is my fiance's full name.
2. What does he do?
3. Tell me the story of how you two met?
4. When did we decide to meet for the first time?
5. How long did it take for you two to get engaged?

Those are just a few examples. As I answered the questions he flipped through documents, made eye contact and was somewhat teasing in his replies to my answers lol. It was easy and painless. Just be honest, forthright and confident and you'll do fine!

After this was all done, he said that I had EVERYTHING that they needed, nothing more, it all looked great and to have a seat. So I sat. I was relieved and excited for the next step! I waited for another 3 minutes, then I was called to first wicket as before. The same man I met with at the beginning said, "That wasn't so bad, was it?" All smiles Then he proceeded to tell me that everything was great, you'll get your passport back in the next 2-3 days, all the documents in your packet 3 will come back to you in SEALED envelope and DO NOT OPEN this envelope until you go to cross the border. He said my visa was good for 90 days after I cross the border...at this point I was getting really giddy because even though I wasn't told I was officially approved, it was all sounding like I was!!!
So to clarify, I gently interrupted and asked, "So does all this mean that I am approve, officially approved??" He looked directly into my eyes with a smile and said, "Yes Miss Allison, you are approved!" I literally squealed, jumped up and down and clapped my hands lol! It was the words and the moment that Matthew and I had been waiting for all these past months!
He then asked if I had anymore questions, I did. He answered. And it was over. I got into the elevator, cried tears of joy and called my fiance!

Great experience, wish I could do it all again because I enjoyed it so much lol. I know I'm probably sick for saying that lol.

I recommend celebrating after! I had a huge chocolate milkshake to celebrate!

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