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Consulate / USCIS Member Review #7639

Montreal, Canada Review on May 22, 2011:



Review Topic: K1 Visa

First of all, thanks to all who have contributed reviews on VJ because reading them was extremely important preparation for our interview.

We arrived at the Montreal Consulate around 7:20am for a 8:00 appointment. Around 7:30am the officer opened the doors and had us line up on the left side. He sent a couple of people away who had cellphones. They came back later after leaving their phones somewhere.
Like some others we were not on any of the security officer's lists. He looked for a bit and asked another officer who told him that because we have the confirmation letter he has to let us in. So we passed security and went down the stairs to the waiting room. By the way there is a photo booth there I saw people use. So I guess if you forget your photos it's not the end of the world.
So we waited for 10 minutes and the officer called immigrant visa applicants into the elevator, so we went and he told us K1 is non-immigrant. So I'm thinking then why is it processed by the immigrant visa unit, anyway... When he called non-immigrant visas we went upstairs(stood in the back of the elevator because the doors open on the 19th floor in the back). This put us second in line for the first window.

Window 1- they ask for confirmation letter and if we had packet 4. Also, we were told again we weren't on the list but when they saw the letter they said, oh immigrant visa, ok. Lol. I think K1 visa is definitely a hybrid in it's own category. They have too many lists anyway.

Window 2- We took our ticket and watched the LED board for our number to come up. We go to the back room window where a man asked for a passport and some papers. He also took fingerprints. This is where we had a surprise. We had filed the DS-160 and other forms using my fiance's Peruvian passport because she hadn't received her Canadian passport yet. He looked at the Peruvian passport almost as if he were allergic to it and asked if she had a Canadian permanent resident card or passport. She gave him her Canadian passport and he smiled and looked happy. He then quickly gave back the Peruvian passport as if it was radioactive or something. So funny. So he crosses off the Peruvian passport number from the DS forms and replaces it with the Canadian passport numbers.

Window 3- We wait a little and are called to the back room again. This time a lady with glasses who takes the rest of our papers. My fiancee started to slide everything through the slot in the beginning but I noticed the lady was busy filing and writing and entering things into the computer so I waited until she was ready for the next item- best not to get anything confused. She then told us to wait again.

Window 4- Encouraged so far by the process, and having our expectations met from the VJ reviews that people in the consulate were polite. We could hear the consular officer (the blond lady- I think there are at least 2 actually) with other applicants and she sounded very friendly and easy to communicate with. This makes a huge difference for us applicants and it's great that she is so personable. So we were called up soon and met with her. She says "So this is the lucky fiance".
We smiled and she went through some of our forms. She asked us how we met and took another set of fingerprints. She then asks if my fiance ever had trouble entering the U.S. or has a police record or been denied a visa. No to everything- good. She entered some information on her computer and that was it- she then said ok great we'll send you your visa by DHL, congratulations or something like that. I was in a daze so I don't remember exactly what she said.
Since they switched the passport from the one we logged into the CSC site with, I asked the greeter by the elevator if that would be a problem. She said no, it's ok just log in as you normally would on CSC with the old passport number. Later my fiance called and talked to a DHL rep who said don't try and change anything or re-register with the Canadian passport number because that could delay the process. So somewhat relieved about that, now we wait
This was the easiest part of the fiance visa process. Everyone there was professional and helpful. We were out of there by 10:15am. By then the waiting room was packed so I could see why there is a 4 month wait for interviews. The consulate just is not equipped or designed to handle more than it does. The Department of State should open up the Toronto consulate for immigrant/family visas.
Now something to add about my trip. You see I drove up through NY state to get to Montreal the day before the interview. I drove back after the interview. My fiancee had taken the bus from Toronto and also to get back there. So when I come back to the U.S. border I figured I would just go right through. Wrong. The customs officer asked me the usual questions but then spent a lot of time talking to me about the fiance visa process and what I need to do next. She was courteous and helpful. So she tells me I have to go into secondary where they will ask me some questions and I can ask questions and so forth. I heard her radio me in as an immigrant case- I'm thinking how is that possible I'm a U.S. citizen?
I parked the car in the regular parking (not the spaces where they take your car apart) and a nice officer took my keys and asked if I needed any papers or anything from the car. I said no I am a U.S. citizen trying to get home- she looked bewildered she thought I was immigrating.
The officer inside calls me up and asks me questions about how I met my fiance and what the purpose of my trip was. He then went to look through my car for a few minutes. I saw him look through my luggage a little. Nothing too thorough just a quick check. So he comes back and similar to the first officer he tells me to make sure I marry before the 90 days. He says to marry and file as soon as possible and not to wait until the last few weeks. So he asks me why I have a rented car and I'm thinking why is that suspicious? So I said I didn't want to put 1000 miles on my car. He asks if I have more than $5000 and I must have looked at him funny because he held up his hands and almost apologetically says sorry we have to ask these questions it's our job. Then he asks if I visited Canada recently- I say yes in March- he looks surprised because it's not on his computer. Weird. He was also writing stuff down on an envelope.
He tells me that when I cross the border with my fiance and the K1 that we should avoid doing it on the weekend because it's too busy. He says to cross on a weekday. So again- he was helpful and polite, not what you expect from U.S. customs but for the most part in all of my trips across the border at different crossings- they have been very professional. So he gives me my passport- wishes me luck with everything and sends me on my way. Despite the courtesy I didn't waste a second getting our of there.
So my best guess is that they took me into secondary because they considered me to be involved in an immigration process. They wanted to check the car perhaps because if people get denied at the consulate they might try to smuggle someone in. They wanted to see if my answers to their questions matched the information they already had. Lastly, it was very quiet there and it's possible this was partly because they were slow and this was good practice for them. I had absolutely nothing to hide from them and have done nothing wrong so rationally I knew I had nothing to worry about-but it was still stressful.
Good luck to all of you who are in this K1 process or who are thinking about it. The process seems to work in spite of itself. If Vermont and Montreal weren't so backed up I would say that it's not bad at all in the end. Also, no one wants your X-ray but bring it anyways.

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