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Consulate / USCIS Member Review #7262

Guangzhou, China Review on March 13, 2011:


Review Topic: IR-1/CR-1 Visa

My interview went well and pretty quickly. The officers were nice.

The Day of Documents Hand-in.

1. Get into a line in front of the building where Guangzhou Consulate locates. At about 12:20pm, start to go inside the building. Security guards check your passport and visa appointment letter, and give you a greenblue card.

2. Get up to the fourth floor by escalator. There are security guards who check your passport and visa appointment letter again, and take away the greenblue card.

3. Get up to the fifth floor by escalator and turn right. Here is security check. Turn off all electronic devices and hand them to the guards (they will keep them for you and return them to you when you leave. You can bring purse, backpack, food, water and even luggages into the consulate). Take off your shoes and belt, and pass the security door.

4. Turn right (there is a direction sign on the wall). A person there takes away your visa appointment letter and gives you a number.

5. Be seated and wait your number to be called. The number is not called in order. It is called according to your visa type based on my observation. How do they do it? Remember they have your visa appointment letter.

6. There are 14 windows open to take documents at the beginning, then 12 and another two for fingerprint. All officers are Chinese and they speak Mandarin and Cantonese. They are nice and patient. Documents hand-in may take 5-10 minutes. Some may take more time especially for elder applicants. Besides taking-in documents, the officers also ask some questions. At the end, they give your visa appointment letter back with the number nailed on it and a stamp telling you come back for interview on the next day at 7:30am.

7. Be seated and wait your number to be called for fingerprints. Fingerprint is at window 17 and 18. After fingerprint, it is done for the day!

The Day of Interview

1. Get into a line in front of the building where Guangzhou Consulate locates. About 7:15am, start to go inside the building. Same as the process on the day of documents hand-in and get into the consulate. The only difference is that no number is assigned.

2. Be seated and wait. About 8:30am, all stand up and swear an oath to tell the truth at the interview. Then the interview starts.

3. Wait your number be called. The number is not called in order. Applicants with little babies/children and elder applicants are called first based on my observation. It is very thoughtful!!

4. There are 8 windows open and all officers are Americans. If there is a difficulty of communication between officers and applicants, there will be a Chinese officer as interpreters. It is typically for elder applicants.

5. The interview averagely takes about 10-15 minutes. Some may take less or more time. In my case, questions they ask are point-to-point because all cases may have been reviewed before the interview and some information is collected at the day of documents hand-in. I think it increases efficiency and accuracy of the interview. If you get a blue slip and have questions, you can go to window number 30 to inquire.

Here are the questions visa officer asked at my interview.

1) Do you speak English?
2) When did you meet your husband?
3) When were you married? Is it your first marriage?
4) What did you do when you were in USA?
5) You two have a baby, how old and where is the baby?
6) Are you a CCP member? Do you have resume?

Good luck with your interview!!

(updated on March 26, 2011)

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