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Consulate / USCIS Member Review #7223

Montreal, Canada Review on March 3, 2011:



Review Topic: General Review


So my interview was yesterday morning and as promised, here is my review:

I arrived early as per VJ posters' advice and man, were they right. I was there at 7:20 and out around 8:55. It could have taken much much longer.

Rule #1: Be sure to print out your interview confirmation page. A couple who had gotten there before me didn't have theirs and I know it slowed them down.

Finally, around 8:00, a security guard will come down and un-chain the doors. He will ask to see your interview confirmation page and your passport before he will let you enter the building.

Next is the security screening. They were actually very nice, if a bit straight-forward. This feels exactly like going through security at the airport.

Rule #2: Don't bring a big bag full of unnecessary items.

Thanks to VJ, I knew to bring only the essentials: passport, consulate documents and wallet. I know that phones, cameras, video-cameras and even some guy's keys were confiscated. No liquids either. Also a gentleman who had to have been waiting for a half an hour outside before me was sent back to his hotel because he had too many knickknacks in his bag. His processing must have taken much longer.

Once you're through the screening they send you down to the basement :/ A window-less room with security cameras everywhere. Bring something to read. You will be there for a bit. Eventually a guard will come down and ask everyone with a certain type of visa application to enter the elevator.

Rule #3: Be sure to sit as close to the elevator in the basement as you can. You will be the first one onto the elevator to go up (now as the crowd pushes in and you get crammed to the back you'll be thinking WTH???) the reason I say this is: the doors open on the other side! First one at the back = first one to step up to the wicket and get their number.

Again, you'll show your interview confirmation letter and your passport to the person at the first wicket and get your number.

Your number will be called on a screen at the front and when it is, proceed to the wicket number shown. Here they'll take your fingerprints, ask you for your medical results and your pictures and tell you to go back and sit down in the waiting area.

Your number will be called again to a different wicket. Here they'll show you your original signed DS-230 and ask you if all the info is correct. For instance, my husband had moved recently so she whited-out the previous address and I wrote it by hand in the three sections where it appeared. Then you have to go back and sit down again.

Finally, you'll be called to either booth 7 or 8. These are different from the other wickets in that they are more closed off (there a about 6 foot long walls on either side of you but no door behind you. A bit more private than the other wickets.

The agent will ask you for your thumbprint and will ask you to raise your right hand and swear that everything contained in your file and everything that you will say is true to the best of your knowledge. Then he'll start flicking through your file and ask you to read the sign on the wall about DHL forwarding.

Rule #4: Don't read the sign out loud! LOL. I started to, as I thought that was what he wanted, and then he said, 'No, no, you can read it in your head,' and I laughed. This sign asks you not to ask the agent any questions about DHL shipping and to refer to the documentation you received when you got your interview confirmation.

Rule #5: Make sure you register with DHL beforehand! Had I not known this thanks to VJ I would have been a bit thrown off, as some of the other applicants seemed to be.

He gave me back my original documents (marriage certificate, birth certificate) and asked me some general questions:

- Where do you live?
- Have you always lived there?
- How long have you been married?
- How did you meet your husband?
- When was your first visit and where?
- When was the last time you were in the United States?
- Have you ever been arrested?
- Where does your husband live?
- What does your husband do?
- Will you take his name when you move to the US?
- So you dated for a year before you were married?
- And you said you've never been arrested?

I answered each question honestly and to-the-point and then offered to show him the pictures, letters and evidence I had compiled to which he replied 'No, no, that's not necessary'. He flicked through my papers some more and then said 'Well, I'm happy to tell you that your immigrant application has been approved.' I started beaming!!!!

He gave me a paper and said to read it and follow the instructions on the back to track my passport which I should receive in about a week.

He was extremely nice and made me feel more comfortable than I had since I'd entered the building.

I went down the elevator, walked past the security guards who had searched me on my in, smiled goodbye and stepped out.

That's it!

A bit nerve-racking, but if you read VJ and you're well-prepared and honest you have absolutely nothing to worry about.

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