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Consulate / USCIS Member Review #6983

Montreal, Canada Review on December 16, 2010:



Review Topic: K1 Visa

Over all we had a really good experience. My fiance arrive at 6:45am but it was cold and snowy so he was the only one there until about 7. I arrived around 7:15 (Despite the precaution I still got a bad cold!) Right before my arrival a family arrived and right after another couple. When the guard came to open the door THEY BUDDED AHEAD OF US! I couldn't believe it. I was more upset about it then my fiance who had waited outside in the freezing cold for almost an hour. But I just couldn't believe the lack of courtesy. Anyways, we got a letter C so it wasn't such a big deal. Everything was as everyone else describes...

Go through security, head to basement, wait to go up elevator, go up elevator, wait in seating area to be called. I would like to note that there are toys in the waiting area which I think is very thoughtful of the consulate to provide.

First I was finger printed, then had some confusion over paying for the interview. We had a lot of trouble paying for the interview on-line. Our credit card kept saying declined when it turns out we were being charged. Finally my fiance realized theres a number you can call to make an appointment. But at the consulate there was no record of us having paid already so my fiance runs out to the atm (THEY DO NOT TAKE CREDIT CARDS BY THE WAY, YOU MUST HAVE CASH). Then as I was going through the papers I noticed a note I made about an MRV receipt number and I found the confirmation email which I had printed out and voila we had paid already.

Then I gave the requested paper work to the nice man behind the glass... he asked for proof of support, passport and photocopy, birth cert, police check and medical info but that was about it! No evidence of domicile or anything.

After that I sat down with my fiance (who had returned with the cash) and we waited for about 5 mins before being called into the interview room. We are religious so we affirmed instead of vowing (the interviewer was very nice about this). He asked us a few questions about how we met and then asked me how I like it in Columbus (where we are moving) and I said I liked it and he said well you'll be spending a lot of time there because your VISA is approved!

I asked if I could pick it up but he said that wasn't possible and the end. He said I should receive it in four business days. I am now checking my email constantly for any update information. I didn't ask for a tracking number which I am kicking myself over!

Thank you to all the vjers for all your hard work and posts. I read a lot but didn't contribute much (sorry).

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