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Consulate / USCIS Member Review #6969

Montreal, Canada Review on December 13, 2010:



Review Topic: K1 Visa

Our interview was scheduled for Monday Dec 6th, 2010 at 8:00am. We drove from Toronto to Montreal on Sunday Dec 5th and stayed at the Quality Hotel Downtown which was only a few blocks from the consulate. On Sunday evening we drove by the consulate to find out exactly where we needed to go and where to park. On our interview letter it states not to show up more than 20 minutes before your scheduled appointment, so on Monday morning we drove by the consulate again on our way to get breakfast. It was about 7:20am and there was already a couple waiting outside. We decided to get our Mcdonalds to go and eat in the car while we got our parking spot. We were able to park on the same street as the consulate. We put the maximum amount in our parking meter which made us good until about 11:00am. We walked through the consulate doors at exactly 7:40am. There was only one person in front of us going through security so we were just delayed a minute or two. As we passed through the metal detectors a security guard was waiting to escort us downstair, and he even asked us to please hurry as they are waiting. Why they were waiting I have no idea. The letter told us not to show up more than 20 minutes early, we were there at 7:40am. Anyway, we got rushed downstairs and directly onto the elevator. We passed through the downstairs waiting area which was pretty full, and they were indeed waiting on us as I heard the security guard tell a lady she had to wait until 8:15am to go up the elevator. We did not receive a letter or a number, I guess because they were waiting on us and we went directly up the elevator. 2 other couples joined us in the elevator and we made our way up to the appropriate floor. Once there we were told to have a seat and wait until called. It is now 7:50am, so why the rush? I dont know. At about 8:15am my finaces name was called (the first of the 3 couples that went up at 7:50am). I went with her to the window and we were greeting by a very friendly gentleman. He asked for a few documents - copies of packet 4 forms, affadavit of support, copies of birth certificate and passport, medical records and police records. I think that was all. He said they have record of us already paying, which we affirmed; so he asked us to go have a seat back in the waiting room while he looks over our case. About 15-20 minutes later we get called back to the same window. Now he takes my fiances fingerprints and maybe another question or two about the wedding. Then says go back to waiting room and we will be called for our interview. He says it won't be long, and good luck! AFter only about 5-10 minutes we get called to an interview room. We enter and are greeting by another friendly gentlemen. He makes us raise our right hands and swear to tell the truth. Only about 10 questions or so, standard stuff (how did we meet, how often do we see each other, what do I do for work, etc) and he says congratulations. He informs us that it will take about a week to process and the passport and visa will be in the mail - DHL. We left the consulate just after 9am and headed back to Toronto!!
The whole process was a breeze. I had a pretty big file folder of paperwork, and only needed about 10% of what I brough. But better to be over prepared. As long as you are organized things should be just fine!

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