London, United Kingdom | Review on November 7, 2010: | scgurl

Rating: | Review Topic: K1 Visa
Our experience at the embassy was very easy and positive. The letter said to arrive at 9:30 a.m., but we were there closer to 8:30 and the guards said we could enter early, but first we had to check in our cell phones at a pharmacy/storage place down the street (somewhere we missed the note that no cell phones, chargers, anything electronic are allowed in). So we marched down there, paid the 3 pounds, got a coffee and ended up 10 minutes late after our leisurely breakfast break, but still no problems getting in and through security and then we waited. After about an hour we were called to a window, paid fees, and provided my fiance's passport and birth certificate to the processor. Then we had to go back and wait, maybe 45 minutes and then we were called back to a window for the interview. We were asked simple questions about how we met, and, since I had traveled from the US to be there with my fiance, what I did for a living and plans for a wedding. After no more than 5 minutes it was done and he was approved. We both agreed it was a little anticlimactic at that moment, but we were still elated! The courier service is on site, so we paid that fee and then were free to leave knowing we would have a visa in a few days. Things I wished I had known were the no electronics rule, that there was coffee and snacks for sale inside and the lack of reading material-- bring your own! Other than that, it really is as nice and friendly as many of the other reviews indicate. Good luck!
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