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Consulate / USCIS Member Review #6829

Montreal, Canada Review on November 6, 2010:


Review Topic: IR-1/CR-1 Visa

Monday night before my flight I had actually started to relax. I went for a new group of passport photo's checked over my documents and went to bed at a reasonable time. Hubby needed to get up at 2am to drive to Los Angeles for his flight at 6am. I woke at 2:30 am wondering if he was on his way or not and called him. He was so I eventually fell back to sleep. My alarm went off at 7am, I thought oh I'll just lay here for 5 more minutes.... I awoke with a start ...YIKES 8:40 am! Flight LEAVES at 10 am. I literally through stuff in a suitcase, jumped in the shower through on clothes called a taxi and left. 9:05 am and its MORNING TRAFFIC! The driver was smiling to himself as I asked if he could get me there on time? Arrived at the airport at 9:35 and rushed up to the West Jet desk, please can I make my flight!!! They kindly put me through ahead of the others and with 5 min to spare I managed to get the flight. My hubby called as I was talking to the agent and said " there's a problem they turned our flight around I'm in Denver, don't know if I'll make it I'll call you if they are able to find me another flight...." .So all the way to Montreal all I could think of was "what happened with his flight, and I hope this isn't the way it's going to go!"

Arriving in Montreal I had a text that he would be on a flight later that evening. I was so thankful but also worried about just how tired he would be. I was so happy to sit downstairs at the international arrivals and see there was a bar ! I sat and decompressed over a drink and waited 2 hours for him to arrive.

I noticed the 747 bus ticket booth where you can buy tickets to get you downtown and to Old Montreal. It costs 7 dollars per person, exact change only, coins to be precise. It was a 10 minute walk to where we were staying at the Nelligan Boutique Hotel. (http://www.go-montreal.com/hotelnelligan/index.htm ) So I purchased the tickets and waited. Due to the recent package scare at airports customs was an hour wait. I was so excited to see him I think that helped him get over his frustrating day. Apparently someone had a heart attack on the flight and that is the reason they turned the flight around. Hopefully that poor man was okay!

In the morning we walked to the Consulate and arrived there at 6:30 am. no one else was there. It was dark and cool so we decided to go get a coffee. We went to ( http://www.greencafe.ca/ ) enjoyed a croissant and Mocha and walked back it was only 3 minutes. I'm not a big Tim Horton fan so this was a great place if you prefer something different.

We arrived back at the consulate at 7:15 and there was another couple there and their daughter. Then a few others arrived, another Vj'er who just browsed the forums we all talked and waited. They opened the doors at 7:30 and took our appt. letters and gave us a clipboard with a letter. We were B One at a time they took us in and we had our packages screened and went through an airport like detector. If you take anything in that isn't allowed i.e.. cell phone they will give you a ticket to pick it up after. We were told to wait downstairs. There is a photo booth down there if you happen to forget your passport photo's. 3 photo's for 10 dollars. Then upstairs we went a group of 3. Arriving upstairs there is a section for immigrant visa's and a beautiful view of Montreal.

I had all documents organized in plastic covers. I was glad I had done this (thanks to all with that tip ) I sure didn't want papers falling on the floor. I took originals and duplicates of all my documents:

3 passport photo's
Marriage certificate
Criminal Record Check
Birth Certificate
My Divorce Decree
Spouses Divorce Decree
Medical still sealed...
I864 and supporting evidence, taxes
Letter of Employment

The only thing not needed was the the ex ray.

We were called into a tiny room, second ones in the group. She asked for the documents in a certain order and checked them off and then we went out and waited. We were called back in for my fingerprints and I don't know why but mine took forever to get.

We were called back in 15 minutes later to room 9 where a nice young blond woman greeted us smiling. I expected a room with a huge desk and to be sitting down for an inquisition..lol. She expressed it was good we got there early, so no worries about keeping your apt. time.

Looking at the file she said all was in order, medical was good and then asked these questions:
How we met? Online... she said " that seems to be the way, maybe I should try it. Many people have met through World of Warcraft ( hello fellow Vj'ers )but Jango she hadn't heard of. What did I do? Have you traveled to see each other? Do my family like him? WELCOME TO THE USA. That was it!!! Nothing else was asked for and here I had telephone records, photo's etc.

So it seems if all your documents are in order all the pre-screening gives them what they need.

We were the first one outta there at 9am, when we got in the elevator my hubby screamed YAHOO!...LOL


We went for a celebratory dinner that night to (http://www.milos.ca/ ) It was the best dinner I have had in years and although not cheap
it was a amazing and worth every mouthful!


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