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Consulate / USCIS Member Review #6699

Vancouver, Canada Review on October 7, 2010:



Review Topic: K1 Visa

I am so happy to be able to do this review. My consulate interview was schedualed for Oct. 5, but the medical for Oct. 6. I thought this may pose a problem, but it didnt. I also thought the best I would get would be the blue slip because I wouldnt have all my documents. These were just my personal expectations.
I arrived at the consualte at 12.40, my interview was for 1pm.
I entered the little lobby, put my things into the bins, they go through everything. Flip through every page, in the purse, nothing is left untouched. They are looking for sealed envelopes at this time, so if you have your medical, which is sealed, leave that out for them to find easily. Then you go through the security thing and retrieve your things. Up the stairs, through the door, and are greeted by more security. They ask why youre there, say K1 interview, and they get the elevator for you. Up you go, the officer will pass you off to another officer and through another security thingy you go. They open the door for you and your in the waiting room. I was first in out of 3 ladies - they both used lawyers, no VJ members with me
The very very nice lady on the other side of the counter gave me a piece of paper and said .. these are the papers I want, original and copies, in this order. I missed a form. Whoops. But its ok .. she took me to a computer and let me do it there .. So nice !!!! When I finished and I got back to the waiting room is where I found the other 2 women. It was maybe 1.30 by this time, and I was getting a headache. I had an evidence book that was at least 4 inches thick, both of these ladies had littel accordian folders with barely anything in them. The first went up, and in 10 minutes she came out, thumbs up, and said, the CO didnt look at any evidence. I could hear paper being shuffled, and got the impression that the CO goes through the initial I129 folder originaly submitted, plus the paperwork that was handed in when one first arrives. He took at least 1/2 hour with each of us before calling us up, so he is quite familiar with you already. The next lady was called up, she was back in 10 minutes, thumbs up, and told me he didnt look at any evidence. My head was pounding. I said for a bit, heard the papers being shuffled, then nothing ... a lady advised me he was called to a meeting ... I was so nervous and this was prolonging my throwing up on someone. Eventualy I heard papers shuffling again, and I was called.
I stood at counter 6, he sat the other side of the window. He asked if I was legaly free to marry, I said yes, then we did finger prints.
He stated, so youre a duo citizen. I said, No, Im a PR only.
( I told my fiance this, and my fiance things he stated it to see if he could trip me up or see if I would lie to him - but who knows, I answered it truthfully )
He asked me how we met, I said a game, he asked if it was like WOW, I said kinda. He started talking to me about guilds and I was blown away. This man was very up-to-date on his gaming lingo. I explained how it was friends, then good friends, then - hey I like you - and into the real world with phone calls and private emails. He did ask about my divorce and I was honest.
He asked what he did for a living, and confirmed where I intended to live. He asked what I wanted to do for work and I told him that my fiances family were thinking about starting a restaraunt and asked if I would do there books. He seemed impressed with this, and I said, but there only words right, who knows if they will. We talked about my kids a bit, how they were with my fiance, and how he was with them. You know, I really dont have many specific out there direct questions, this CO made me feel very comfortable and we were just having a conversation.
It was maybe 10 minutes. I laughed, I teared up and he offered me tissue. It was a very relaxed, very casual, very nice interview.
He said, there are 3 things I need to do in my decision. First, I need to feel that this relationship is true, which I do. Second, I need to make sure that you wont be a charge on the Amercian Citizens, which you wont. And third, I need to believe that you arnt encumbered in this process, which I dont. So I am pleased to approve your K1 visa.
I still had the medical to do, and took care of that the next morning, I was first in line at 5.50, and by 6am there was quite a line up. Fill out some forms, get blood taken, do an xray, have a little physical, hieght,wieght and eye test. While the docter was checking my tummy, he asked if I had surgery ... he was right by my scar when he asked ... I said, yes, a c-section. There was a conversation the other day about doctors peeking to ensure youre gender ... there was no peeking in my case.
The experience was definetly alot less complicated than I made it out to be. I think the length of time in the process, the stressers that can happen for some, the RFE, the paperwork, the expense .. it can wear on you. But in the end, after all is said and done, it really didnt seem that bad after all.

All in all the people at the consulate were more than helpful, polite, kind, and professional. Just follow the rules about security, always be polite, and always be honest.

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