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Consulate / USCIS Member Review #6660

London, United Kingdom Review on September 27, 2010:



Review Topic: K1 Visa

Hey there, I just recently had my interview for a K1 Fiance Visa at the US Embassy, and was approved! I read these reviews prior to the big day, and just wanted to tell you how much they help, so I extremely recommend you read them, as it helped me unbelievably on the day, as I knew exactly what to expect! So here goes!
I arrived to Marble Arch tube station(5 minutes walking distance to US embassy), at around 7.30am. My appointment was not until 9am, but wanted to give plenty of time as im sure you will too. I found the embassy very easily, with help of printing out Google maps, just a thought anyway. I got to the Embassy at around 7.40,just to check it out... there was already a line! I knew I was far too early,so decided to back track about 100 yards to a starbucks! Goulds pharmacy is fanastic and extremely convenient, as it on the way to the embassy. and also, it was only 3 pound for my mobile and ipod!very handy! Anyway, after Goulds pharmacy i proceeded the 1 minute walk to the embassy, and was greeted by a slightly larger line. I did not panic though, because these reviews taught me to expect this, and after approximately 30 minutes of waiting, and 2 checks of my passport and appointment letter, I was through to security. Same routine as an airport whilst in security. After that, you are directed to the side of the building, where you are given a number by one person, and told to wait until your number appears on the screen(also called) in the waiting room. The waiting room was pretty full, and apart from 2 simple vending machines, not alot to do, and not alot to eat! Bring a newspaper or book, as you could be waiting a while! But dont panic, your number will be called, its just normal to wait a long time for something in Britain! Roughly 40 minutes went by, and my number was called(they are called in no order, so its a suprise when you get it!). I was told to go to window 14, and there I greeted a very nice gentleman. Despite having a copius amount of forms, he only asked for my passport, 2 passport photos, birth certificate, police records, affidavit of support and 2 W2's for evidence!that was it, I could not believe it!He then took my fingerprints of both hands, asked me when I was getting married, and then was told to pay for the visa at the window 2 down from me. This was simple, and they took a fee of $350 dollars. I then returned to window 12, where he gave me the courier form,to fill out, and I was then instructed to return to the waiting area for the second interview. Approximately another 40 minutes went by, and my number was called again!Here we go! I was called to window 15 this time, where I was greeted by an equally nice lady. She asked for my military forms, checked my fingerprints again on one hand, and asked me to raise my right hand to swear that all the information I have given is true. She then asked me a simple question on how my fiancee and I met. I Kept my explanation simple, and she responded with.... 'ok I have approved your visa'. I did not know what to say, I was ecstatic yet shocked on how straightforward and casual it had all been! I was then told to go to the courier desk, which is on the way out. I paid them for delivery before 10am, and to my relief the passport arrived 6 working days after the interview!A day prior to flying to the US! It takes them an estimate of 5 working days to process the visa, and thankfully, the DX couriers were able to deliver it the next day, which I was told would often be the case! Also, when they give you a tracking number, do not expect the DX website to have heard of it within 3- 5 days. Red lettering will come up saying, it does not correspond with their records. All this means, is that the Embassy has not delivered to DX. So dont panic like i did, it will come! You can also ring the embassy, and they will tell you what stage of processing it is in!so you can get a rough idea.
All in all, an extremely amazing experience. We had our I-129f submitted on April 8th 2010, and my interview date was on the September 16th 2010. I have to say, all the filing and getting everything right during those months, was 1000 times harder than the actual interview! The day is very straightforward, and you will be amazed how easy it is!mentally stressful yes..... but honestly, you will see that there is no need to be! I feel like all the hard work is done prior to the interview, and you can take all the forms under the sun with you. But if you have the essentials stated on The US Embassy, London website, (the forms mentioned above), then you cannot go wrong!its great to take all the forms you hear people saying, and still do that as you never know. But if you take all the ones they say on that website, and make copies! You cannot go wrong! Finally, I was not sure what to wear, but I opted for a suit, without the tie, as i wanted to look smart, as in essence, these people were deciding the rest of my life. So just out of respect, look tidy, but i think it really is up to you! No harm in queing an hour early either! I would not have left it 30 minutes prior to the interview, as they could be calling your number, and you would still be in the queue!
I hope this information has been helpful, as these helped me out amazingly. What I have said is what really happens, and dont go believing any horror stories. If you have all the forms, you are there on time, you cannot go wrong!
Good luck to everyone doing this, you will be nervous naturally, but if you are confident you have everything, and you have nothing to sweat about! You will be pleasantly suprised!
Any questions about the day, dont hesitate to ask me, as I am more than willing to answer anything!
Good Luck everyone!

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