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Consulate / USCIS Member Review #6656

Montreal, Canada Review on September 26, 2010:


Review Topic: K1 Visa

We had a pretty good experience at our interview.
We stayed at the Hyatt Regency. We could see the consulate from our hotel room & when we were in the waiting room at the consulate we could see the hotel from there. Very close!
We got in line at about 6:45 am & there was 2 others in line already. Met some very nice people in line. It made the time go pretty quick! Just after 7:30 the guard opened the door for us & took our passport & interview letter with him. He let us in in 2 groups at a time. We went through security with no problems & they told us to go down the stairs & wait in the waiting room there until another guard came to get us. After a few minutes a guard came down the elevator & took us (letters A-E) up to the 19th floor. The guard reminded me of Lurch from Adams Family. Made me giggle. Lurch then told us to sit & wait for our name to be called.
Once I got called, I went to window 9. The lady behind the glass didn't like window 9 so she moved us to window 11. She was so friendly. She asked for my birth certificate (wallet sized one) & copy, passport copy, police record search, letter of intent, affidavit of support, we had to ask her if she wanted any evidence of support & she just said whatever we want to give her. She then told us to go pay at window 14A & have a seat until she called my name again. After a while I got called again & she asked for the pay receipt & then did the finger printing. Took a few tries. Then she told us to have a seat again & they will call me to either interview room 7 or 8.
We sat there for quite a while. The couple ahead of us had the first interview. They were in there for almost 20 min. They then called someone from the other side of the room who wasn`t in our A-E group. He was in there for about 20 min & then they called me to interview room 8.
We got in & then sworn in. He was a super nice guy. He then asked how we met & I told him at a Kid Rock concert & he laughed & said that would explain why I was wearing a fedora! He made lots of small talk mixed with interview questions.
He asked when the wedding is, where the wedding will be, what I did for a living & where I worked, & asked my hunny the same question. He asked to see my long form birth certificate & handed it back. Then asked to do a couple finger prints again & then said on behalf of he & everyone at the consulate he is happy to say that my visa has been approved!!! I now know why they are behind glass! I wanted to hug him! But hugged & kissed hunny instead!
Interview was so quick. I think it was about 5 min.
We left the consulate at 10am. It was very easy!

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