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Consulate / USCIS Member Review #6625

London, United Kingdom Review on September 20, 2010:


Review Topic: K1 Visa

javascript:emoticon('')Seriously am over the moon. Visa approved after all the checking and double checking and total focus on all this paperwork....Its a serious relief.

Left at 5 am from Westhoughton England (North of Greater Manchester) caught a cab to the train station, Manchester Piccadilly. 5:05am Caught a train to London arrived London Hueston station at 7:30 am. Caught a cab to Goulds Pharmacy putting up my phone and such but first called my S.O. to get my instructions to not forget anything. Got into the cue line at about 08:45 and was through in about 20 minutes. (MAKE SURE TO TAKE THE PACKET FOUR LETTER >>>> THOSE WHO DON'T WERE BEING REFUSED ADMITTANCE) Packet four letter is scanned and stickers placed upon it that give a number. Then was told to go into the hall and wait. (WAIT AND WAIT.......I numbers are much slower then the N numbers) Was called after about a hour and forty five minutes. Went to window 13 and the young man asked for the I 134 (of which they only took the most recent tax return and the form for the I 134) ,the police check with copy, original and copy of birth certificate, divorce papers with copies of them, and two passport photos. After they took all the documentation (which they kept my original birth certificate)javascript:emoticon('') told me to go to window 12 and pay for the visa. Paid $350 dollars. (223 gbp) Gave me the courier form to fill out while I waited to be called again about fifteen minutes later. The chappy went through all the paperwork and then signed the paper from the packet three to sign....all the while he was asking questions...."Where did you meet, how long ago, what I do for a living, where do I live, do I want to work when I get state side." More then anything it was chatting between new chums. Then he closed the folder and thanked me for putting together a great packet and said that my visa was approved. Take the pink form and go and pay the courier. Said it should take a week to ten days to receive the visa. Have a good trip. Went and paid the courier (CARD ONLY NO CASH) Courier said 3-5 days. Which was 14.5 gpb. All in all I was there three hours. Caught the train back home and was home about four hours later after all said and done. javascript:emoticon('') javascript:emoticon('')

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