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Consulate / USCIS Member Review #6423

Montreal, Canada Review on July 30, 2010:



Review Topic: IR-1/CR-1 Visa

Hi all! We were approved on July 26th, 2010 in Montreal. This is our review of the Interview process from beginning to end.

Highlights of the process: Orient yourself with the Consulate Office the day before. You don't want any surprises or getting lost the day of, and knowing where it is and how you are going to get there takes a load of your mind. Before the day of the interview, be sure to organize everything. We organized the IV stuff by the DS-230, and then all supporting evidence. We then organized the AOS stuff by the I-864 and the supporting evidence. We gathered updated financial evidence to prove the AOS, but it wasn't asked for (nice to have ready if necessary). We put this into one packet colored in a transparent blue, and then made 2 copies of everything and organized it the same way in other packet. This proved to be extremely helpful.

Okay, so back to the process. We arrived at 6:00 am. We were the first there and to my surprise within 15 to 20 minutes, others started to show up. We found out after being there for awhile, it is best to line up on the left side of the consulate doors, as you are looking at the doors. It was a gorgeous sunny morning, but because you are between buildings the wind gets extremely cold and the inside isn't much warmer. We suggest wearing warmer clothes that you can potentially shed later. At about 7:30 they opened the doors (thank God) and let us in one at a time. They checked our interview letter, and assigned a letter to us (A, then B, etc.) and told us to go down the stairs and wait. We had to check in our car keys because of the electronic remote entry, but that was no big deal. They gave us a number to get our stuff on the way back out.

We went downstairs and waited for about 10 minutes, when a group of all letters (A, B, C, etc) were called by the security guard to go upstairs. He led us up to the waiting area and told us to wait until we are called. At about 8:10 or so they started calling us by letter (not by name). It was confusing because we couldn't really understand the name they were calling, but eventually all of us caught on that it was by letter not last name. At about 8:20 we were called to window 11, where we handed in all originals and copies of our forms and evidence, including a copy of the IV's passport. Because it was electronic processing, she told us to go sit down while she download and prints the file to fill our case file. About 15 minutes later we went back to the window when called and fingerprints were scanned electronically. Very easy and quick to do. Important NOTE: If asked about your DS-230 part I and II, if anything has changed since filing, including address info, be sure to tell them. It is okay and they will get you to update or fill out a new one. Better to do it now then forget or be to shy and have to start over or have your VISA cancelled (this was according to the lady going through our paperwork).

We were asked to go sit down and wait to be called to booth 7 or 8. At about 8:50 am we were called into booth 7. Another lady was going through all of our paperwork, and asked questions about relationship, how it was maintained long distance and over time, job situations, and the most important question was directed at me (the AOS) about proving my domicile in the US. I moved to Canada to be with my wife as we went through this process and I needed proof other than a job and an address in the US. NOTE: If you are also living in Canada with your spouse as you wait, be sure to consider what you have has domicile proof of returning to the US. Things like a lease for where you are going to stay, purchase of a new home, etc. Luckily for us, we had a Purchase and Sale Agreement for a new house in the US with us and ready to present. I didn't expect questions directed to me, as I wasn't required to be at the Interview with my wife, but I am glad I did come. I think it gives significant weight to your case and proves your committment to the process and the relationship. I ended up answering questions, only when directed specifically to me, otherwise I was quiet during the whole process.

The interview was much different than we pictured. You stand in a booth, with a thick window separating you from the person conducting the interview. We didn't necessarily realize we were in the interview at that point, and couldn't believe how fast it was. Hardly any evidence was asked for along the way, but it was comforting to know we had it. Some evidence we brought was fun things we had done recently (Canada's Wonderland tickets, basketball game tickets, camping pictures, etc) a photo album with a small (about 40) pictures highlighting different things throughout our relationship, affidavits from friends and family regarding the relationship, specific dates of seeing each other, and definitely updated financial information. It is important to be completely honest, ask questions when there is confusion, and be polite. I believe arriving early and on time, being patient, and following instructions gives the most enjoyable experience. If you aren't organized, don't have evidence, and aren't polite, things could get difficult.

At about 9:10, we completed our interview, went back down the elevator to the basement, back up the stairs, collected our keys, and we were outside cheering. We couldn't believe the day had come and gone, and we were approved!! What a weight lifted off our shoulders. We met some other VISA journey friends inside the interview and it was nice connecting with others going through the exact same experience, and being able to rely so much on Visajourney for support and answering questions that no other site has.

While visiting Montreal, try to make some time to enjoy yourself. Eat at restaurants you wouldn't normally. We ate at PINTXO, a Spanish restaurant, and it was an amazing experience. It took our mind off of everything the night before and just let us relax and have fun.

We wish everyone the same luck and good fortune we had at their upcoming interview. Be patient, it will come, and once it does it is unbelievable how fast things move.

Also, we heard rumors that it was taking 2 weeks to get the VISA paperwork. We brought the correct return envelope to our interview and had it at the end of the same week, just like the lady conducting the interview said it would be.

If you have any questions don't hesitate to ask, and we will do our best to answer.

God bless everyone and this community for all the support we have received and encouragement.


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